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Comment Re:"Theory" does not equal "Hunch" in science (Score 1) 665

Your talking about Relativism, which I happen to agree with. However, your naivety shows based on your opinion that "this is about the origin of mankind". No it is not. Make no mistake young man, this is about religious zealotry. History is clear on this matter. Allow religion into your politics (or school system) and today it is "teach the controversy" and tomorrow it's "death to all non believers". If you don't believe me, just look at any country throughout history where religion (any religion based on the old testament) played a major role in society. Scary stuff.

Comment Re: Your point of view means nothing. (Score 1) 665

When searching for answers, discussing the bible is a pointless as discussing the origin of species. To find answers you have to turn over some rocks and look in dirt (examine the real world around you). And what you find, if you actually look, is evolution. I'm glad you "Understand that god cold do whatever he wanted" but perhaps you should spend less time trying to understand god (by reading the bible) and get out and take a walk and try and understand the real world around you.

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