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Comment Lots of weird crap coming out of Congress lately.. (Score 5, Insightful) 517

It makes me wonder if they're bringing out these stupid bills because they want to appease voters but know there's no chance of them actually passing because of white house veto.

Think about it; this is a wonderful time for the Republicans to create all kinds of crazy ridiculous stuff that appeases voters but that the politicians know is harmful, realizing that none of it will pass and that they'll get re-elected by their crazy base because "at least they tried."


Comment Maybe there's another reason behind this... (Score 2) 132

The recent Lenovo mess has shown that it's a good idea for users to be able to easily download a stock Windows ISO to reinstall their system free of crapware. Microsoft may just want to make this process easier for people.

Good for them. I'm not a Windows user myself, but it feels good to know that if I ever switch over to Windows, it's now easier to get real stock installation images.

What about Windows 8, though? Are they doing the same for 8 and future versions?

Comment Imagine Careers/YourTalentAgents (Score 4, Interesting) 145

A little less than three years ago, a friend of mine started YourTalentAgents, a Pittsburgh-based talent agency representing professional IT workers of all sorts (sysadmins, software engineers, hardware folks, etc.). In mid 2014, he merged with another company, Student Intuition, to form Imagine Careers. The talent agency part of the company still exists and has been profitable pretty much since the start. IIRC they've placed something like 85% of the candidates they've worked with, and many of those candidates are referring others to the talent agency. It's flipping the model in favor of excellent technologists looking for a good company, instead of a gaggle of quota-driven headhunters competing to fill a seat with a warm body.

Disclosure: I'm a friend of the CTO of Imagine Careers, who founded YTA, and a currently uncompensated advisor to the company.

Comment Re:Gonna lose some money (Score 4, Interesting) 54

The $99 for the developer account (which is peanuts to Apple) isn't about income. It's about controlling access to the platform.

If developer accounts were free, anyone who wanted to sideload apps would join the program and just do so. The $99/year fee is enough to discourage people from doing this.

I have access to a developer account through work, and have sideloaded iMAME and a few other emulators using it. You can sign any app bundle you want and put it on your phone without having to go through the App Store.

Access to iOS betas does not allow one to receive provisioning profiles, so the reason for the $99 charge is gone.

Comment It changes every week (Score 4, Insightful) 305

Eggs are bad for you! Eggs are good for you! Meat is bad for you! Meat is good for you! Alcohol is good for you! Alcohol isn't good for you!

I swear, if you listen to and heed all this advice you will go crazy. I think the best thing to do is ignore all this crap, eat *reasonably* (not too much of any one thing, have a balanced diet) and just ENJOY the things you like, regardless of people saying they're good or bad for you, because life is short anyway and we might as well enjoy it while we have it.

I see so many eating bland vegan diets, thinking it's so good for them; I doubt any of them will live longer than typical omnivores.

Comment Just started using it (Score 1) 129

It's sad, 'cause I just started using it after discovering it late last year. I got my system upgraded to be based off of jessie instead of wheezy and was truckin' along just fine.

I would have loved to see #! continue even as just a metapackage that installs what makes the distro different from vanilla Debian.

Comment It's Oracle, what do you expect? (Score 2, Insightful) 288

That company ruins everything it touches.

Look what happened to MySQL, leading to the need to fork to MariaDB.

Look what happened to ZFS; as soon as Oracle got its grubby mitts on it, it closed-sourced all future updates and made it incompatible with the open source version.

Do you use Solaris? If you do, I don't even have to write anything here. Support has gone absolutely to shit since the acquisition.

And now Virtualbox is stagnant and uncared for.

Why is anyone surprised? Oracle bought Sun and ruined everything awesome about the company. It was the absolute worst possible company that could have acquired Sun, and it shows in every way.

Fuck you, Oracle. With a turbo-charged chainsaw, sideways.

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