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Journal Journal: Flirting in the modern age

Ok, so I don't read much news, but I get important news

I was visiting a comedy site and heard of new technology using cell phones. MIT has used it's collective mind to make flirting with your cell phone easy. The Service is called Serendipity. Using a Bluetooth cell phone you can put in your dating profile and it will scan other dating profiles in people's phones and message the user if it finds a good match. I guess it's good news for you single people out there.


Journal Journal: My AD&D Character

I Am A: Neutral Good Elf Mage Ranger

Neutral Good characters believe in the power of good above all else. They will work to make the world a better place, and will do whatever is necessary to bring that about, whether it goes for or against whatever is considered 'normal'.

Elves are the eldest of all races, although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with day-to-day activities that other races frequently concern themselves with. Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existance.

Primary Class:
Mages harness the magical energies for their own use. Spells, spell books, and long hours in the library are their loves. While often not physically strong, their mental talents can make up for this.

Secondary Class:
Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.

Mystra is the Neutral Good goddess of magic. She is also known as the Lady of Mysteries. Followers of Mystra wear armor and carry shields with her symbol on them. Mystra's symbol is a ring of stars.

Find out What D&D Character Are You

I think the discription fits me well ;)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Guns and Government 7

This entry started as a response to an entry by a friend but got long, so here it is.

I have been well trained in firearm use since I was a very small child. My family has been military until my generation. Some of us hunt, or have been involved in Law enforcement, so guns have been a part of our lives.

I also live in Virginia, so that makes it easier. Most Virginians believe in Gun rights, if is relatively simple for a law abiding, responsible citizen to get a concealed handgun permit. I have one myself. I do on occasion carry a concealed handgun. In VA you can also open carry without a permit, as long as you are not a felon.

The thing that I find interesting is that we have very little crime... Ok, so I'm not talking about Richmond, which has the 3rd highest murder rate per capa in the US, but even then it is only in certain areas of Richmond. The thing is, would your common criminal break into a house where you knew there was probably a Gun waiting? Here if you break into a house and the owner kills you in his house, there are no repercussions for that death. Great deterrent, I think.

The part that most people miss, is the real reason for the constitutional amendment for bearing arms (the 2nd amendment for the morons who don't know shit about their own government.) The real reason this was put into place was to protect the people from the government. The US had just broken free of England and their rule. The Forefathers of our country knew that if the government got too powerful that freedom would go in the hole. Citizens need to be able to defend ourselves against criminals, but maybe against our government if it is no longer 'of the people, by the people.'

I am watching as our government is slowly taking freedoms away. They are getting thinned out now. You can't say this, or that (freedom of speech?) you can't bear arms in many states (right to bear arms?) Don't express your religious views here (freedom of religion?) Come on, think about it people! Now in Virginia we have 'Standards of Learning' tests done in our schools, and in reality we are a pilot state, and the government is talking seriously about doing this all over the country. I know many teachers and they all say the same thing. They just don't have time to TEACH anything anymore, not really teach. The kids have to memorize too much for these damn tests. Look closer at what this really is. Kids are being programmed to memorize and spit it back at you. They are not developing critical reasoning skills. They are being taught NOT TO THINK! Think about it, a whole generation taught not to think. The next step, strip away the freedoms people have, and people won't think about it. We need to be able to defend ourselves, and before the FBI comes to my door, I say, I hope this does not occur in my life time. I'm not trying to start some anti-government group. We do as citizens need to become more active in our government. Learn your rights. Learn how to change things. Learn how you can make a difference in the Government. Let the lawmakers know your views, and WHY you feel that way on many issues. It is like so much else, if you don't use it, you WILL lose it!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Page 23 sentence 5

Then gradually affirm it mentally only, without moving the tongue or lips, untill you feel that you have attained deep, unbroken concentration - not unconsciousness, but a profound continuity of uninterrupted thought.

The instructions:

Grab the nearest book.
Turn to page 23.
Find the fifth sentence.
Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Open to real change 5

Have you ever noticed that when you try to make a change for the better in your life, it's the people you look to for support that are the ones that seem to say things to drag you down?

I try to make spiritual changes to develop spiritually, and what do I hear? "How can you be spiritually developing, you still cuss, and get mad." I wonder at times if I should even take the time to say, "Yes, but do I cuss as much? Do I get mad as often? Is there not improvement?"

I try to make positive diet changes, and what do I hear? "I saw you eat chocolate and meat!" "OK, but did I just eat a part of a candy bar, or three candy bars like I used to? Did I make my whole meal meat like I used to, or was meat a side dish now?"

It seems like those closest are the ones that do this. They can't seem to believe that there is any change until you match up to their version of perfection. Who am I doing this for, me or them? Did I even ask their opinion?

Then I think. Why do I really get frustrated? Is it because they say these things that are true, but discouraging or is it something else? Maybe it just lifts up a mirror before my face. Do I do the same thing when they try to change. I am ashamed to say that I have done this before. That mirror of anger is a tricky thing. If we step back and look at why we are really frustrated I wonder how many times we will see that the real problem is we see something there in ourselves that we don't like.

I want to stay conscious of that. Why am I really angry? Is the real reason that that person is holding up a mirror of me? What can I learn if I take a step back? While I am trying to learn and improve, is this not a good way to do that? Now, If I can only remember when my temper starts to swell. :)

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Mine Sweeper 1

I heard a story this morning that I just had to put down.

A friend of mine used to be in the navy and was a substance abuse counselor at a navy complex where doctors and counselors that were civilians would also work. One time a professor was visiting the center and needed someone to pick him up from the airport, so they sent one of the solders over to get him.

After they met at the terminal, the solder kept making short side trips on the way back to their car. The first time it was to help an elderly lady who's bag had come open to pick her things back up. Next he had lifted up two small toddlers to get a look at Ronald McDonald. The third time it was to help a man whom was lost and needed directions.

The professor had noticed that each time the soldier did one of these things he seemed to glow more and more with joy. He asked, "How did you learn to live like that?"

"Oh," the soldier responded, "I guess I learned to be that way back in Vietnam. I was a part of a crew that had to clear old mine fields. I worked and watched as friend after friend got blown to bits. I learned to change the way I look at life. I learned to live between my steps, to take the most I could out of the time between when I picked my foot up and the next time I put it down. I never knew if the step would be my last and want to find the best life has to offer with every step."

Yes, the soldier's life spawned the desire to change his way of life style, but it was his attitude change that made it happen. There is no reason why a simple change we can make in our outlook won't change the way we live too. I want to be that kind of person that finds joy in every moment between my steps. I want to make every step count as if it were my last. Who knows, it could be.


Journal Journal: Joy of a child 2

Solemn got me inspired on this one. She was talking about her button box and how it was really for children because they find something special in a box full of buttons. I myself can remember going over to my great-grandmother's house and playing with a drawer full of buttons she had. There is something very magic about a large volume of buttons that only a childlike mind can see. A mind free of the worries and complexities of adulthood. I would sit there for hours and run my hands through them. I would sort them into different types of piles, and then put them all together and sort them a different way. Stack them high and let them fall. I could find so much to do with a pile of buttons. It brought me a great deal of joy.

Remembering this I can think of the other remembrances I have had lately, things that have reminded me of joy I felt as a child. There is nothing that I have known, so far, that feels as pure as the joy of a child. Before we have many hardships and irritations piled on our lives, and beat us into cynicism, we know how to feel real joy over such simple things. Before we have friends tell us it isn't 'cool' or our parents tell us to grow up and act our age, we feel joy without shame. Maybe this is why we get so cynical in the first place. It seems every simple thing that brings us joy we are either pulled away from or told it is silly for a young man or lady to do.

I can remember these European grapes we had growing in our back yard before my parents split up, and recently found a wine that tastes just like they smelled. I think the main reason I love that wine so much is every time I drink it, I remember the joys of jumping off the low roof of the garage near there, or playing with the water hose in the back yard with my parents. I can remember the jelly and grape juice my mother made from those grapes, and most of all I can remember feeling like my parents would always be there to protect me. Unfortunately life tends to throw us curves and my parents spit up when I was five. Life changed quite drastically, and I don't think I felt as secure since that happened. But now I can recall that joy, that peace, and I wonder, why can I not have that now. Of course I can, but how.

Those simple pleasures that make a child childlike; running matchbox cars though the dirt, rolling down a big hill, or sledding down a hill for hours and hours, never caring about the cold. Why do we as adults find it so difficult to feel that kind of free joy, free of the limitations that we as society shun as being immature. Would it not take a truly mature man or woman to rise above the fact that society looks down on such 'childlike' behavior to do it anyways.

I can see now why it is said that you must have the faith of a little child to enter the kingdom of God. Jesus was talking to the Jews when he said that. The thing most Christians miss is that the Jews already believed that heaven was their right after death, but Jesus was talking about bringing the kingdom of God to earth now in this life for the individual. Each one of us can find the kingdom of God within our selves, but we must look from a place outside of the delusion of the confines of society. We must put aside what we think others will say. We must learn to say to ourselves, "I will find joy and peace in my life, because that is important to me." We must learn to seek within ourselves and find that joy we had as a child, to reach in and find it's source, the everlasting spirit from witch all things came and in all things exists. That is where we will find our joy. A limitless joy, free of the bindings we put on our soul. That is where I think I will find my freedom.


Journal Journal: Living Dance 3

Have you ever taken a step back and watched people from a withdrawn state of mind. It is very interesting to watch them driving down the road, riding people's bumpers getting upset, and why? They are going to be thirty seconds late to work. Well, ok, if they keep driving like that they may be dead, but then they'd have a great excuse.

I've always wanted to ride in a hot air balloon. I would love to watch the people running around, looking like little busy ants. They seem so attached to working hard to get more stuff. They then quickly tire of the stuff they worked for and feel their life would be complete if they had just a little more. On and on the cycle goes, chasing dreams till they eventually they pass on, never being satisfied with anything.

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to own nothing. To renounce all that I had. I might learn to love it. It may sound crazy at first, but think. No one will bug you because you are late on a bill. No house payment, no car maintenance. You could actually live for your needs only. All you really need is a little food and a place to lay your head. No need to work, because you don't care about all those 'needed' VCR's and DVD's. No new car every few years, and no need to work to get a bigger house. If you could live that way and learn to be happy for the sky, and a smile on a young child's face, to see a great sunset, or a kind word from a friend. It seems like it would feel so free to not have to worry for so much.

I'm not saying the life of the 'average' homeless man is ideal, but there are other ways. Ashrams, communes, group living; these are ways to have nothing, but work for each other. Would it be so bad? You could work for higher ideals, like helping out other people or devote your time to seeking God in all his complete glory.

Maybe it is a dream to thing life would be so much better and freer. Maybe the real problem is I am conditioned to worry that my family 'needs' to have the 'best.' I'm not sure, but maybe one day I will see.


Journal Journal: Spirituallity or just religion? 6

I find it absolutly amazing the amount of people out there that like to down every one elses religion. Most of the world's main religions say "We are the only truth." Hmmm, well ya know what, YOU CAN'T ALL BE RIGHT! I am also amazed at the religions that believe that anyone that does not believe the way they do are going to hell. I have practiced christianity most of my life and now wonder at so much about christian beliefs.

Christians preach about how if you don't believe what they do you will burn in fire and have worms eat your flesh where you can not die, and then they turn around in the next breath and say that their God is a loving God. Umm, WHAT? A God like that would be worse than Hitler. Even better is the belief that those that have never heard their 'message of hope' would not be judged so harshly as to go to hell... UNTILL they tell them their gospel. I heard a story a long time ago about an eskimo Shaman that asked a missionary. "so your saying that now that you've told me I will go to hell if I don't believe you, but before I would have been ok... Well, Thanks a lot." Even better is when a denomination starts talking about how all the other denominations are going to hell. Like only Baptists are going to heaven.

Jehovah's Witnesses crack me up also. I like to ask them right off the bat, "so only 144,000 of you are going to heaven, and there are over 2 million JW's in the world today? I think the lottery has better odds. So are you going to heaven or hell?" They never know what to say.

The thing I find most amazing is that the people that want to attack you most of all are the people that go to chuch on Sunday and forget thier own beliefs the rest of the week. They claim religion when they are more devoted to their dogma then to their God.

I believe all religion is a path to God. I wasn't always that way. The thing is that any path to God requires a strong amount of devotion. Oh all paths may lead you there, but is you walk a million mile journey a foot a day, your not going to get there fast. If you don't devote yourself, it is a long trip.

Just one favor. Just once allow your karma to run over your own dogma. Believe me, the load is a lot lighter and you can get there much faster.


Journal Journal: Blah, Blah, Blah... 5

Why do people feel the need to talk about useless crap?!?!? It really gets on my nerves. Sometimes I can't figure it out, here I am trying to solve all the worlds problems in my head, and the idiot next to me wants to say "warm day we're having today." Do you every want to turn to them and smack the crap out of them or as loud as you can say "no shit asshole!" Ok, so that doesn't work when your married to them. I wouldn't recomend doing that to your spouse anyway. What you do is your problem.

I know I read it a long time ago, a difference of 10 IQ points can be huge and 20 points it can be like your speaking another language... what I want to know is does the average person speak stupidese?

Ok, so I know I'm grumpy today, but it does get frustrating sometimes. I try to act attentive when someone is talking to me, but DAMN, how much can one person take.

A wonderful thing to hear is "you know it takes more muscles to smile than to frown." Oh yea, well ya know it takes more muscles to point that out then to leave me the hell alone! Assholes! the world is full of them... oops, sorry, looking in the mirror again. I try to be nice, and those that know me will tell you I normally am. The problem comes when I just can't take the stupidity anymore. I have friends that would never know I get like this because they stimulate me. When they speak, they actually say things that mean something. They will keep me interested enough that I am always nice around them. They keep me from getting frustrated with the putz next to me on the street asking me the time.

I know why God put stupid people on earth. The reason is very simple. He put them here to test the rest of us. Actually I think he put them here to make us discontented with this 'dream' of life. Look at it. What better way to make us seek better than this world can offer. Surround us with idiots, then we won't feel attracted to this earth. The senses can trap a man in the delusion that this world is reality. The idiots make us seek a better way. We seek God to get us out of here.

I was talking to my wife. She doesn't believe in reincarnation, and I do. She made some comment mockingly like "well you can do such and such in your next life." I told her I couldn't because I don't plan on coming back again. I've had enough. Looking at the positive side, it gives me the drive to push past this life, to seek God. It is real easy to not be attached when you can't stand it anymore, and no I'm not talking about my wife.

Now, there is the fault of not recognizing God in others when you can't see past their stupidity, but I said I wanted to leave this world in this life, not this week. Sure I have a lot to work on, but in the mean time, God, can ya keep the idiots at bay?


Journal Journal: Spam in a can 4

I guess it's just a fact of life in the modern age. SPAM! Will we ever be able to get away.

Someone out there must really think I am a true freak because everyday they send me information on how to increase the "size of my manhood" AND get bigger breasts. Hmmm, just what look do they think I am going for anyway. I obviously have grown way too fat also, as they keep telling me how to get products to lose weight. The one thing that really amazes me is that my wife doesn't seem to care that they keep trying to say I'm single and set me up. Even more amazing is all the Christian singles that must want to get involved with a married man, after all I keep getting mail to meet them.

I even get spam telling me how to get rid of spam. How many times have you had your CD drives open in the last month because you supposedly have spyware on your computer... I must because they say so. Did you know for only $49.95 you can get a program to get rid of it? Somehow I don't trust buying spam killers from a company that spams me. Yes, I know. They should know it best, but would you trust a thief to set up your home security system? Who's to say he didn't leave a hole for him to get in?

I guess it's become the price we pay for quick communication and information, but that doesn't make me like it any more. Of course one day I may break down and be a big breasted, well hung trans-sexual dating 150 Christians and having sex with supermodels, while I get thin and muscular, and my email will have no more spam. Hey, it could happen, right before I am broke with cancer and right after I decide I want no morals and no more common sense. But hey, I'll look good... for a freak of nature.

What ever happened to liking yourself for whom you are? What ever happened to seeking God and truth? How is it that we as a society get more obsessed with what we look like than who we are inside? When did we become so selfish that it became more important to have a larger member than to give a meal to the guy living in a box down the street? Evolution? Somehow I don't see many people evolving, but going backwards.

I'm not saying we should all go backwards and destroy our technology, by no means. Never have doctors and scientists been able to collaborate on medical advancements in the blink of an eye before. Never has good useful information been so readily available. Never has making a good choice been so easy to research. My question is why isn't everything getting better? Why must man as a whole twist good into perversion? Our hopes become the albatross hung around our neck.

The answer I think, is simple. It starts with me. I can take my life and make it what it needs to be. I can become that which I wish to be. I can develop hope in myself, and seek God and truth, and feed the man down the street, or I can choose to do what's wrong. I think I'll try to choose right. And you?

User Journal

Journal Journal: As the World Turns

What got me thinking is when I heard the song 'Volvo Driving Soccer Mom.' Ok, so I never was a topless dancer in a strip club, and never had a threesome, but I was a bad boy as a teen. I look back and see how 'stupid' I was. Of course I am comparing it to the experience I now have.

I did enough Drugs for everyone in my state combined, sold drugs to support my habit, had sex with... well, more that I should have anyway. I had my first child at 17. I was not an unintelegent person. I have a high IQ, so why did I act so dumb anyway?

I find it interesting now that I always seemed to stay with the wrong women and let the great ones go. I mean how many other 'stupid' men are out there that will let a woman jump on his back and beat him in the back of his head and just get her down and ask, "are you done yet?" I put up with abuse and turned away all the women that were good for me. Lessons are learned, but for me they are learned with a bat up side of my head. Thank God for a thick skull.

I must say I see many redeming qualities as I got older though. I took responsibility for my child at the age of 17 to the point where I thew out my abusive girlfriend and got custody of an infant. I was the one that took care of her, staying up all night long through the ear infections and upset stomachs, rocking her in the rocking chair and singing till we both fell asleep. I still have so many pictured that my dad took of me asleep in the rocking chair with my daughter in my arms.

The part I never figured out was when did I grow up. I used to lament, ever so slightly, missing my teens, but heck, I would have wasted it I'm sure. The thing is now I'm a soccer dad. I ref, coach, and serve on the Board of our local AYSO. I work, I spend time with my family... When did this happen any way. I serve on the board of the FOPA, for crying out loud. I ran from cops in my teens and now I support law enforcement.

I'm not lamenting my turn over the years to a responsible, law abiding, contributing member of sociaty, I enjoy who I am now for the most part. I just can't see how it happened.

I like my life, and love the fact I keep growing and changing. I don't plan on being the same tomorrow as I am today. I want to get better every day. It just seems weird looking back and seeing the path behind... But you know what? It makes the path ahead look ever more exciting.

I'm living for today, and tomorrow seems more exciting than every, everyday.

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Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes, and not rather a new wearer of clothes. -- Henry David Thoreau
