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Comment Re:It's usually a computer problem (Score 1) 279

I've been doing C++ on and off (mostly on) for 20 years. I'm on the fence about whether or not it's great. I definitely like it, and I think the right subset of C++ is great, but the right subset changes over time (e.g., you couldn't have paid me to use templates and STL 12 years ago), but now I couldn't live without them, and it definitely changes for different people.

In fact, it really is the language's problem. C++ in its entirety is just too complex, and therefore, depending on the code, it can be way too hard to deal with. Of course, Java is a much simpler language and you can hardly do a Google search without seeing someone complain about how so much Java code is like dealing with the Soviet bureaucracy (an accurate description in my experience). I guess C++ makes good developers better and bad developers worse... and that is because of the language.

My language of choice these days would be Python and if I do anything for fun, it's with Python. I think Python is a far more elegant language, as well as simpler than C++, but doesn't lack the ability to be really expressive, usually with much less code. There are obviously issues with Python, too, it's not my intention to start a flame war, but as much as I like C++, I think a lot of its problems _are_ the fault of the language.

Comment Re:Because I'm lazy (Score 1) 279

"Automated unit tests"... I thought those were just a myth. Are you sure you're in the Real World?

And don't get me started on "enterprise" software. I've almost never seen "enterprise" software that was worth the disk space it took up. We can complain all day about how bad Windows or Office, etc., is but compared to "enterprise" software, those products are amazingly good and user-friendly.

Comment Re:Certain Disappointment (Score 1) 325

You can say what you want about Abrams' ability to make exciting action set pieces. He's got a lot of technical and artistic skill in that area. I think there's a lot of good that can be defended about the casting and art direction of the new "Star Trek" movies (disclaimer: I've only seen clips of "Khan Lite"). I would even go so far as to praise some of the changes that came out of the "reboot" aspect of altering the timeline.

But the plots were absolutely and utterly incoherent. Then again, this is true for most action movies nowadays. I'm not talking about "Oh, there's a plot hole", but more along the lines of "Nothing that happens makes any sense, other than to be a thin substrate linking interchangeable action scenes."

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