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Comment Re:Good news! (Score 1) 227

yeah, you are right, they should only try the individual limbs of criminals responsible for doing the damage rather than the whole person.

yess the department of agriculture is tared by the same brush as the rest of the states.

In fact, what the US government does reflects on all of you, so yeah, most of the world blames US citizens for all the shit their government does.

Everyone blames all of sony for all the crap they've pulled over the last decade (not just limited to the rootkit by any means)

That's just how the world works, and imho anyone arguing different just wants to work in a different branch of such scourges on society and sleep at night.

Comment Re:TOR gives a false sense of security (Score 1) 86

You mean.
Unlike skype and the https protocol........

You don't seem to understand that tor is still THE most secure communication protocol we have over the internet. So secure that even the Snowden leaks discuss how the agencies you accuse of wanting to use it to spy on you - actually use it so the other agencies can't spy on THEM!

It's not a panacea, it's not the sole solution, but unless you can point to a *BETTER* solution, what is the point in making blind and blatantly false accusations?

Comment Re: That's amazing (Score 1) 53

quite. I know I'm being a little bit counter intuitive. but that is just to help me understand better.

so. taking that drift velocity for example.
that v ag = uE doesn't seem to depend on C. and u would appear to be a divide by zero in a superconductor.

Comment Re: That's amazing (Score 1) 53

that's what made me "think the question out loud".

but you disagree with yourself.
for example "light" can travel faster than light if they are travelling in different mediums.
a vacuum has really high resistance and I seem to remember that electrons travel at different speeds depending on the resistance.

Comment Re:Friends Don't Let Friends... (Score 1) 60

PS+ is a subscription service

Which is why I didn't end up buying one.
Went round to a friends to see if it was worth getting. "Lets fire up multiplayer then" - "We can't, you have to pay extra for that".

Then Battlefield 4 came out on the PS3 (it was advertised as PS4 "exclusive") which settled the argument. (BF4 is still a crashy pile of shite btw, but only FPS other than BF3 with realistic helicopters afaik)

Next title I play regularily will be back on the PC, which I haven't really done since the counter strike days.

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