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Comment Re:Confused. (Score -1, Flamebait) 752

Two other airplanes (non-commercial with much lower loss of life and thus less interesting to news outlets I presume) were shot down within the week in similar airspace. Why aren't we discussing those? Go ahead and try to put a techie spin on it, but the point remains that we're only oogling over this because a bunch of people died, which not only seem distasteful, but again, has nothing to with the type of news this site represents.

Submission + - Supreme Court rules against Aereo streaming service. (nbcnews.com) 1

Last_Available_Usern writes: The U.S. Supreme Court today dealt a potentially fatal blow to Aereo, an Internet service that allows customers to watch broadcast TV programs on mobile devices by renting a small DVR and antenae (in supported cities) to record and then retransmit local programming on-demand over the internet.

Comment Re:Did someone just figure this out *NOW*?? (Score 2) 234

So what you're saying is the second anyone infringes on the rights of a group you belong to you automatically band together in protest, even if it's at the potential expense of your livlihood? Gathering legitmate evidence to make a reasonable case for your claim takes time. Rallying troops together takes time. Planning for possibly not having a job if this backfires takes time. I guess fortunate for you that firing off a [weird] rant on Slashdot doesn't take any time at all.

Comment Re:Why (Score 3, Informative) 166

To be clear, USAF awarded ULA (United Launch Alliance, jointly run by Boeing and Lockheed) the uncompeted contract. What this prevents is ULA from making purchases from Russia for parts, which essentially cripples their entire contract since the Russian parts included the first-stage engine I believe. Without that, ULA doesn't have a functional rocket as far as I can tell. I'm sure ULA will find an intermediary who will "just happen" to have some of these engines laying around that they can then use to fulfill the contract. The bigger question is whether the contract as a whole will be recompeted, as it should.

Comment Re:A "millionaire" isn't what it used to be. (Score 1) 467

None of your reasons show that owning a home is a bad financial decision, which is all my point was meant to convey. If owning a home is bad a decision for you logistically, then you shouldn't own. But all things being equal, buying a home within your means makes far more financial sense in the long run than renting.

Comment Re:A "millionaire" isn't what it used to be. (Score 1) 467

Ok, so after X amount of years of renting or paying a mortgage you've spent $400K. In one of those situation you have an investment that is VERY likely to be worth a lot more than the original $200K purchase price, and in the other you have nothing. How is wasting some of the money on mortgage interest better than wasting ALL of the money on rent?

Comment Re:A "millionaire" isn't what it used to be. (Score 1) 467

that they don't waste it on things like mortgages, car debt, credit cards, and other bad habits that keep people at "average" and "normal" net worth.

How is a mortgage a waste? You even listed it first as if to denote it's importance of being avoided. Owning your own home is advantageous for a lot of reasons, but the most important of which is people base their rent prices on what their mortgage costs. If you're renting - you're paying off someone else's mortgage for them. Unless you want to be single your whole life and rent a flat with a bunch of other guys I fail to see how renting would ever be worthwhile over purchasing.

Comment From someone who gave up on the game... (Score 5, Informative) 166

I reinstalled the game a few weeks ago after not playing for ages due to a constant feeling of never finding decent items and being tied to the AH for upgrades. The game (even just post patch, not even counting the xpac) is so much more playable. If you're on the fence, I can give you a few bullet points that have kept me interested:

1) With the AH gone, way more legendaries and meaningful items drop.
2) The drops (both rare and legendary) are often more meaningful as they cater the stats to your class for the most part.
3) All items (including legendaries) roll max-level with appropriate stats for the person who made the game.
4) +Skill and +DmgType has become very prevelent stats on many pieces now, making it less about sheet DPS and cookie cutter builds and more about building a spec that compliments your playstyle and the gear you've found.
5) Paragon levels are shared across all characters so no more grinding paragon for all your toons.
6) Paragon points are used to supplement stats like Int/Dex/Str, Vitality, Life on Hit, Crit Dmg, etc, allowing you to customize your build further and fill in the blanks your gear lacks.

All in all, I really like the changes and what little I've seen that they added to the Xpax (namely the Mystic for customizing drops in both appearance and stats) I like as well.

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