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Comment First cryo, now this.... (Score 1) 241

This is kind of terrible. Capitalizing on people's loss by selling them a pie in the sky dream. I admire the ambition, but I would think we would need to create an AI that can sufficiently pass the Turing test before we create one that represents a person's personality well enough to fool the person's closest family/friends.

Comment Best guesses... (Score 1) 255

Google wouldn't intentionally cause discomfort for its userbase without a good reason. My list includes the following possiblities:

1) The feature is being improved/expanded and is still in testing phase.
2) Patent infringement (or the claim of) has caused the feature to be removed, at least temporarily.
3) The feature will reappear in a non-free version of the same service.
4) The feature is being exclusively licensed (along with the map data) by another party.

Comment Wow... (Score 1) 103

This causes amazing ideas to race through my head. Imagine a much more mature version of this - one that could take input and even pull from other resources. For example, try to imagine a system that understands surfaces and textures, and even has access to the internet (or a built-in library) to derive work from. You tell the program to create a 3D castle similar to one in Scotland. It pulls information (either provided or on it's own) and from that it can create procedural textures, 3D surfaces to map those textures to, and then boom...a castle. Eventually it would understand night and day, sounds that are associated with certain environments, lighting, varied architecture, natural terrain...the possiblities are endless. And instead of having a slew of developers and artists trying to create a cohesive image over weeks or months, you have a singular entity creating this content on the fly, limited only by the amount of CPU cycles at your disposal. What an amazing science fiction story that could play itself out in reality if this idea was matured.

Comment More like... (Score 1) 117

Creating a standard interface that only easily (and fully supports) the connection of Android-based devices. Frankly, I'm shocked Apple didn't already make this move. If this happens (and spreads), the only devices you'll want to hook up to your car will be Android-based since those will probably be the only ones you can interact with using steering wheel controls, etc.

Comment Not uncommon... (Score 1) 111

This probably happens more often than we think. Frankly, it makes sense to validate that a card is going to run solid for someone before you send it to them if they're going to be blabbering all over the interwebs about it. It's just in this case they got burned (and justifiably) due to the fact that the software/driver adjusts the frequency independently instead of being a static clock speed (something they should have disclaimed to the reviewers).

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