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Comment Re:Funny To Whom? (Score 2) 277

the lefty drivel and Bush-bashing has no appeal for, oh, at least half of the NYT's potential audience

obviously you lean right. did you not get the memo that right-thinking, right-leaning people should only head to "nytimes.com" to bitch at Krugman? to suggest that a "real American" would ever be in the NY Times audience shows your commitment to the cause must be flagging or flaccid. the left still has its Mojo, just ask Mr. Weiner. no flaccid problems there!

Comment Re:Embracing a New Enemy (Score 1) 308

I find it sad that an audience who ran away from MS a decade ago is willing to embrace something so easily from an arguably much more sinister source

Enemy, shmenemy.

Microsoft was a bland bureaucracy that produced the worst sort of bloated corporate junkware. They were monopolistic pigs with contemptible table manners (think Ballmer here). At times I frakking hated them.

Google however has been a meritocracy that creates stuff that is often pretty cool. Google has an appetite like any other corporate beast but so far they've been more refined which I appreciate. So far I have little cause to fear or hate them.

So Microsoft took my money and gave me junkware. Google takes whatever data I give them and gives me ads and fairly useful tools.

I like Google's proposition better and I don't believe that is particularly sad at all.

Comment Re:Apple Stores (Score 1) 636

... the whole Apple culture/worldview/aura is very L. Ron Hubbardesque.

Hubbard was a hateful, psychotic douchebag. Surely a closer comparison to Hubbard is Ellison at Oracle, versus Jobs at Apple.

I get the controlling, the secrecy, the clique -- all true for both Scientology and Appledom. But to compare the virility of the "illness" I say Apple is like a cold sore caught from a kiss (costs something, but worth it), Oracle is like herpes (one pays for life and there is no cure) and Scientology is like ebola (one bleeds [cash] til one dies)

Comment Chips and Dips (Score 1) 129

Nice story "Chips & Dips"
Slashdot (really just a rebranded "Chips & Dips") can't resist pulling an acronym out of the mists of time
Seriously, not that hard to say "Russia's Federal Security Service (aka FSB) wants..."
The 1980's called and said they wanted their Cold War propaganda back

Comment Right Strategy Wrong Reason (Score 1) 643

This is not a bad strategy for Microsoft but I don't think the stated reason makes any sense.

I guess Mr. Mundie can't say "Microsoft is a flat-flippered, bloated, beached, dead whale of an organization and we cannot expect to catch our more nimble competitors." At least he can't say that and keep his job.

Instead of Microsoft trying to be "cool" - which they are genetically incapable of - they should go after a market where a hugely overpriced competitor could be undercut. I'm thinking Oracle business applications could be undercut without too much effort. Microsoft sort of has their own server software stack - they just need to cobble together some business junkware that runs on it then sell it at a tenth the cost of Oracle's junkware. Then it's "Hello Mister Massive Sales! W00t!"

MS already has a lot of the pieces, they just need to bundle it altogether, call it a "solution" and run it in the cloud :)

Comment Re:Misdirection (Score 1) 114

How do you know the McAfee home page is not one giant honeypot? After all they know hackers will be going after them. That's what I'd do if I were them...

Never attribute to competence that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. [ Krugman's Razor ]

Comment Re:Utah water supply (Score 1) 112

Why do you have lawns then? Having lawns in places that would need a lawn to be watered is a braindead idea.

Not that much trouble really, a small matter of building a system to distrubute water -- think municipal water supply. Or would thinking be too much trouble?

Jesus, we've descended to the point where a minor engineering problem elicits meh, why bother?


Comment Re:Very clever... (Score 1) 293

Jeopardy! is the game where an answer is given and the contestant must supply a question...

Once their AI is sufficiently good at it, they're obviously planning to give it the answer 42.

Obviously we're getting close to the end of the run for the Earth 2.0 simulation
We tried to warn you all, but oh dear... So sad it's come to this
So long, so long, so long, and thanks for all the fish

-z dolphins-

Comment Blue Juice, Red Juice (Score 1) 416

I'm sure the Republicans aren't just using this to get some of their NH political juice back. And if they got some back, I'm sure they wouldn't reconsider the merits of the system.
I'm also sure the Democrats will wholeheartedly support allowing voters to have more choice, even at the expense of some of their own newfound political juice in NH.
Yes, I'm being totally serious. No, reeeeallllyyyyy

Comment Re:1960s archives (Score 1) 498

I was dragged into helping to recover the Stanford SAIL-DART archives from the 1970s

So very cool. Just read this Rolling Stone Article associated with SAIL - frak me rotten.

Death of newspapers and music stores predicted in 1972 - swoops my hair back.

I knew frakking around with LISP was mild altering, but I didn't know it lead to prescience and precognitive ability. Woof

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