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Comment flawed methodology (Score 4, Insightful) 123

They took a publications database between 1996 and 2011, which contains about 15,000,000 authors.
There they found only 150,000 published every of those years.
Of course not all of those 15 million have been working in research for 16 years. Most graduate/PhD students are in research for 5 years and then they need to find another job.
Actually most people at my company were author or co-author of a paper at some point, and we only published because of some grants that required it.
So if you take out the people who really only have a couple of publications, or published for a small period of time, the picture will be completely different.
Take into account that you need people who's career actually span the 1996-2011 period (which filters out probably like 30% of people genuinely having a successfull academic career), and they actually paint a realistic picture of who the profs are or research leads.

Comment Re:"Top Learning Language" ...OR... (Score 1) 415

You can implement a programming language in python.
We used Scheme (simple LISP derivate) at our university in the nineties (good old Abelson and Sussman).
Didn't even have classes (objects) back then!
Still it was perfectly possible to simulate objects (state and behaviour) by lambda expressions.

Same can be done with Python, I'm sure.
Writing a meta-circular interpreter in any language will teach you about memory allocation.
Maybe not pointer specific notation as in C.

Comment Re:A Lost Era (Score 2) 122

Same question.
I grew up playing Wonder Boy, Double Dragon, Yie Ar Kungfu, etc...
Grew out of it after Street Fighter 2.
Most of these games could be played and beaten with a single coin (Double Dragon being my favorite).
Then something changed. Suddenly you couldn't even finish the first level without putting back money into the machine.

Did you also feel this transition (or maybe those games aren't classic enough), or did I just suck too much and these games were beatable after all?

Comment Re:Wait... (Score 4, Insightful) 255

There was a girl in our first year of CS who was a very hard worker, but just couldn't handle the advanced math.
She switched to med school after she flunked and passed with flying colors.

It really depends on what you take as basis for a 'tough' curriculum.
Med school and veterinary school may require you to work 'harder'. But with CS and Math, if you don't get it, you just don't get it. No matter how hard you work.
I wouldn't be able to do Med school though, I faint at the sight of a needle ;-)

Comment Re:When did this happened? (Score 1) 309

> I really enjoyed my Web development class

In your first your of CS? really?
I had the following courses in my first year of CS: differential and integral calculus, Linear Algebra and geometry, Higher Algebra, Algorithms and Data Structures, Logic and Formal Methods, Interpretation and Structure of Computer Programs, Information Systems.
Web Development class....Nope...doesn't ring a bell.

Comment Re:RightsCorp (Score 1) 196

The article says that RightsCorp sends settlements for 20$ a title.
So, it's not like they will sue you for thousands if you happen to download the latest GoT episode.
Although I don't concur with their process (sneak their way into getting personal info by avoiding courts), at least they are asking for a 'reasonable settlement'.

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