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Comment I like my sudo like I like my salad... (Score 1) 153

Light (couldn't think of a better one)! It is my understanding that sudo is a setuid binary and that being true makes it one of the most dangerous code bases on a system. The more 'fine-grained' you get the more of an attack surface you expose just by the difference in code size. Sudo has already its share of vulnerabilities with the size that it is. KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!

Comment Re:Like antibiotics (Score 1) 107

Antibiotics are taken after an infection. The problem is most people aren't taking their vitamins (user e-d-u-c-a-t-i-o-n). It may have been acceptable 10 years ago to not know the basics of preventative security measures but now you cannot afford to have an employee that doesn't know.

Comment Re:Is the gold rush over? (Score 1) 768

The botnet distributed mining can be considerably more potent and profitable if your targeted 'user' base is computers with high value GPUs and such. Think gamer forums. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of gaming mods/hacks will not start inserting a little bit of extra functionality to keep their creators' bills paid.

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 1) 320

I'm just hoping they dont get their paws into our encryption keys by exploiting power fluctuation attacks. (http://www.darknet.org.uk/2010/03/boffins-crack-openssl-library-using-power-fluctuations/) Does any knowledgeable nerd know if that is feasible? I'm a pessimist and I assume everything the government does benefits us (or them) in more than one way. Is the smart grid the biggest backdoor to come yet?

Comment Re:bullshit + points of failure. (Score 1) 343

I agree with the parent. Also this is possibly the dumbest form of drug transportation I have ever seen in my life (dont ask).

Two points of failure: this rolling metal brick totally stands out and the tires are not reinforced. Armor or not if you find yourself in an immobile vehicle you're just asking to get gassed. If you can't drive in an area with your loot without turning heads and painting a giant target on your forehead then your mode of transportation is largely ineffective.

Comment Assume you've already been hacked... (Score 1) 182

What then?? after you've taken all the steps described in the above comments it's well worth the time to design an incident response plan.

The best security is one that admits that it can be defeated, a layered approach is best. After they've hacked the webserver where can they go from there? your SQL server will be wide open.

Consider using a grsec patched kernel, chrooting your webserver and restricting everything that isn't absolutely necessary. Grsec supports the feature to prevent binaries from executing on a specified chroot, this may prevent many attacks that would escalate their access. Don't provide compilers, don't have perl/ruby/etc available unless you need to. They may be able to penetrate with a staged payload dropping the privilege escalating exploit at the end and in this case the chroot may restrict their access. If they do manage to break past the chroot you want a fully configured RBAC system. Root shouldn't mean ring 0 in most cases. Disable loading kernel modules, disable /dev/kmem access, disable write access to boot directory and require password at reboot (this prevents them from loading a new unrestricted kernel).

If you can afford it put a bridged firewall/IDS between the webserver and the database. Log everything, make sure your alerts work! Alerts are extremely important in that you can detect a hack in progress and possibly prevent further data extraction! Use white-listing instead of blacklisting. Only allow the absolute minimum. The idea here is that you want to reduce your attack surface as much as possible whilst still keeping functionality.

That is just on the IT aspect tho. Consider the scenario in which an employee goes rogue: disable firewire port (DMA attacks are easily possible), disable usb ports, lock the server room, immediately lock out/revoke IDs to an employee about to be fired (preferably before they're fired), and for god's sake screen your applicants.

Comment How about... (Score 2) 388

How about you start prosecuting nations actively participating in cyber attacks on your countries? Surely it's more of a threat!

The 'Anonymous' name gives crackers that already were hacking before a name to go under. Basically anyone who can quote "We are legion" and is already hacking can now put up a sweet little front.

So NATO: stop chasing ghosts. Sure they could make a few arrests but I imagine there are more sects of anonymous than there are nations. The terrible truth to this situation is that once they start openly prosecuting who they think is "Anonymous" every blackhat will be given an excuse to start their campaigns on them. "Provoking the wrath of anonymous" actually means "painting targets on hackers and paying the price". Anonymous wants to stay anonymous they shouldn't go provoking an enemy they don't know or understand.

The quintessential example is HBGary; learn from history.

Comment Re:Plan to put down your smartphone (Score 1) 200

Does anyone remember how to plan ahead before we had smartphones? Bring a netbook, connect to a local hotspot and search from there. If really need be use your cellphone to access said searched data by sending it over via bluetooth. The point of a vacation is disconnection for most people you will be doing yourself a great disservice complicating your time there.

Comment Go China! (Score 1) 220

This is great. I have no problem with the citizens of China (I actually have a particular fondness for Eastern philosophy and the martial arts like wushu) but I have MANY issues with their government. Any aggression they can show against their suppressors is a good thing in my book, violent or otherwise. Sometimes peaceful protest just _doesn't work_. Gandhi would've "dissappeared" in modern China. Be pissed China! Go overthrow your government one shoe at a time until they can't possibly cover the information/press from the revolt! Only when the idea of liberty spreads that it can manifest into a powerful force against its enemies.

Comment Consider the source (Score 1) 537

It's the US govt just putting shit on terrorist leaders' reputations. The tactic isn't uncommon but it might be more effective against religious extremists. I say good move, fake or not! Wars aren't just fought with bullets (like the one going thru Bin Landin's brain, hohoho)

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