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76% of Web Users Affected By Browser History Stealing 130

An anonymous reader writes "Web browser history detection with the CSS:visited trick has been known for the last ten years, but recently published research suggests that the problem is bigger than previously thought. A study of 243,068 users found that 76% of them were vulnerable to history detection by malicious websites. Newer browsers such as Safari and Chrome were even more affected, with 82% and 94% of users vulnerable. An average of 63 visited locations were detected per user, and for the top 10% of users the tests found over 150 visited sites. The website has a summary of the findings; the full paper (PDF) is available as well."

Comment University... (Score 2, Insightful) 663

This is why we can't really use sixth-form qualifications in this area as an indicator of a candidate's ability to program - we have to assume they know nothing, and look to Maths & Science qualifications for indication of their skills.

I learnt Pascal and VB6 back when I was at sixth form. Then I went to uni, was taught C and thought to myself "why didn't they teach us this!? I know NOTHING".

Submission + - Adobe demoes Flash running on Android Nexus One (

recoiledsnake writes: Adobe Evangelist Ryan Stewart has posted a video on Youtube that showcases a preview version of Flash running nicely on an Android Nexus on a variety of sampled sites on the Web. Streaming video of TV shows is demoed on the CBS and NHL web sites and a couple of games are shown running with the touch features working nicely. All the web pages and Flash content demoed are normal desktop oriented web pages and weren't optimized for mobiles. Coming on the heels of Android sales overtaking the iPhone and a possible anti-trust enquiry, will iPad and iPhone users that want Flash be able to opt-in for a Flash player App or will all of them be denied access to ubiquitous Flash content and video on the Web due to Jobs' mandate thus making the Appel devices even less desirable leading to more sales for Android phones and upcoming tablets?

Comment Re:Legacy apps (Score 1) 479

That makes sense, given the risk of an IE update breaking the "IE collection" somehow. Luckily for me the versions work independently enough that it's sufficient for all my testing. If it wasn't I think I'd be doing exactly what you are.

Comment Re:the Lawrences are cunts (Score 1) 32

1. The member of staff acted with prejudice towards sexuality, so I think the punishment is fair.
2. They were so dim-witted as to not figure out that they'd misheard the person, what with the GUIDE DOG AT HIS SIDE and all... they shouldn't be in that job, or have some serious learning to do.
3. It would be nice to see the $1500 go to a charity, but its their choice.

Submission + - Reverse-engineering the Netherlands dyke system (

vikingpower writes: "Built in reaction upon a major flood that killed 1800 in the '50s of the last century, the Dutch system of dykes, sluices, surge barriers and dams has been dubbed "one of the seven wonders of the modern world" by the American Society of Engineers. Now, there are proposals to use the system differently, e.g. as tidal power plants by punching holes in them. Any civil engineer will probably be mouth-watering when thinking of the mega-projects this could give rise to."

Comment Re:Horribly misleading (Score 1) 351

They pick stretches of road that don't have the opportunity to stop, or leave the road, and take your average speed.

So, they take one of the safest stretches of road and penalise people if they speed on it? Without wanting to condone speeding, surely it's a better idea to fine people for speeding in locations that are of increased risk or have a history of accidents?


Gizmodo Blows Whistle On 4G iPhone Loser 853

Stoobalou writes "Not content with its iPhone scoop, Gizmodo has probably ruined the career of a young engineer. The tech blog last night exposed the name of the hapless Apple employee who had one German beer too many and left a prototype iPhone G4 in a California bar some 20 miles from Apple's Infinite Loop campus. Was that really necessary?" It also came out that they paid $5K for the leaked prototype and that Apple wants it back.

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Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes, and not rather a new wearer of clothes. -- Henry David Thoreau
