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Comment It's the FAA, stupid. (Score 1) 203

I wonder what the FAA thinks about this. They're the ones who control the airspace. Not the State of Colorado.

About the only thing they could do is make it a felony to *take off* (e.g. use space that the state has jurisdiction over) somewhere near a fire.

And really, all fires of any import get a TFR (Temporary Flight Restriction) within hours. Certainly as soon as it escalates out of local control. If you fly a drone (technically a small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in the parlance) you are supposed to understand and follow TFRs and other flight restrictions and rules.

You fly in a TFR, you get in trouble. From the feds.

Comment Re:Impossible (Score 1) 110

Pretty much everyone else would. Complex eukaryotic organisms spend enormous amounts of time and energy controlling cell replication and forcing cells to die off. An full grown organism is mostly in cellular stasis. A growing organism has cell growth tightly controlled.

When you mess with that, you are very likely to end up with uncontrolled cell growth, i.e., cancer.

Comment Re:I'm interested to see how this technology devel (Score 1) 28

Even in 'developed' (or perhaps, 'formerly first world') countries like the US, bulk delivery is the norm - because it makes economic sense.

The area in a Venn Diagram which corresponds to 'small but relatively light' and 'expensive enough to warrant special treatment and 'needs to get there real soon now' is pretty small.

I can make a nice tech demonstration but as a business plan it seems rather lacking.

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