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Comment Re:Three thoughts... (Score 3, Interesting) 394

Rear facing seats make more sense in a crash situation (most crashes that are survivable happen in a nose-is-forward configuration). The entire seat supports the body in the rapid deceleration of a crash instead of just the seat belt. IIRC, some military transports are rigged that way. So you trade off a bit more discomfort on the very common scenario of the plane taking off with the possibility of better surviving a very rare crash situation.

Decisions, decisions.

Comment Re:I'm all for it (Score 2) 394

Except that the vast majority of plane accidents happen at takeoff and landing where you would need not only explosive bolts but a cluster of SuperDraco engines mounted around the fuselage to boost you out of harm's way. Now, I grant you, that would be one cool video, but I don't think you are going to convince the Boeing designers that the tradeoffs are worth it.

And engineering is always about the tradeoffs.

Comment Re:Design and the geeks (Score 1) 503

Let's take a quick walk out into the real world. That road for instance - not 'designed' to last hundreds of years - maybe ten. OK, you're going to be the next road guru and, for the fun of it, design and build the road of forever.

With what for resources? Who's going to pay for the R&D, the machines and the raw materials? Hmm. You run up against those annoying things called budgets. The city government isn't going to let you take the entire budget for ten years for your perfect road. Or perfect water treatment plant. Or perfect waste disposal system.

Reality is most annoying. It prevents us from doing the things we really would like to do. But it's real.

Comment Why is it (Score 3, Insightful) 503

That journalists are the ones arguing about 'not having to work to live'?

I never see economists or machinists or retail workers espouse this philosophy. I mean really, just because a tiny fraction of the planet doesn't have to work (the 1-2 per centers including the wealthy retirees she touts), it does not follow that the people who make life possible for those economic elite are going to suddenly find what amounts to a pot of gold somewhere.

The Post Replicator fantasy economy is just that - a fantasy. Better to wish for a warp drive. At least it's useful.

Comment Re:This is science (Score 1) 48

The problem I'm having with this is that the peer reviewers should have picked this one up. I think any statistician who looked at that and noted that the results are going to drastically change with test number should have called them out. I kinda thought that one of the things that Science (the magazine) was going do is run papers by a living, breathing statistician.

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