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Comment Re:Money (Score 1, Insightful) 107

Money (or lack of it) IS a management issue....

But how hard is it to automate a process that says, in effect, "if no data is going in or out of this server, shut it down"? I suspect that there is a more nefarious purpose here and I propose a corollary to Hanlon's (Heinlein's) Razor:

This is the 21st Century - "You have attributed conditions to villainy that simply result from villainy". Incompetence is for the proletariat - we're the NSA. You're toast.

Comment Re:Oh no, (Score 2) 141

No they aren't. Fingerprint readers don't work like that. You get a hash function that is related to ridge pattern (or whatever they happen to be scanning). You can't print out an FBI approved thumb to share with anyone else.

And yes, they don't need to use the thumb, you could well do the same thing with a mag stripe card. Except that the junior bozo would have to remember to bring the card with them. The thumb, not so much.

Comment Re:marketing opportunity (Score 1) 141

The kid is getting an entire lunch. They aren't scanning junior's thumbprint for each bag of Fritos that he grabs off the cart. He's going to get whatever the US Department of Agriculture has found sitting in a warehouse until just before the product's third expiration date (the one that they really mean).

This info is going to be pretty much useless to anybody except some flunky in the School Lunch administration.

Geez you guys. What the hell did they feed you all in school? Methamphetamine laced Doritos?

Comment Re: The problem with Apple is compatibility... (Score 1) 110

You don't know much about Macs - my 2008 MacPro is running 10.10.3 (Yosemite) and according to Apple, should run the next iteration (El Capitan). The only thing I had to do is replace the video card (who runs 7 year old video cards on anything?). My wife has a 2010 MacBook Pro which also will run 10.11.

Yes, there are Linux distros out there that will boot off an 8 inch floppy. That's impressive, but it's not Apple's MO.

And you can use command line programs to manipulate Airports. Even the old ones. Now that is pretty edge case and not well documented but a brief search shows you what you need to know.

Comment Re:The biggest problem the need to fix (Score 1) 110

If Spotify has only 20 million paying customers and there are 80 million potential Apple streaming customers (numbers from TFA) then there are a metric shitload of people who don't have any skin in the game. Even assuming that a whole bunch aren't interesting in playing it's likely to be pretty good chunk of Apple fanboy change.

Personally, I'm hoping Apple doesn't run over Spotify and Pandora. Tried Spotify for a while - nice enough but I just don't listen to enough music within Wifi range to justify it - but it certainly has some appeal to a large number of people.

Comment Re:This is why I still buy CDs (Score 1) 110

The market *never* cared a about your audiophile bullshit!

All the market has ever wanted is the ability to listen to the songs they want to listen to with enough quality to drone out everything else.

Your both nuts. There has never been a better time to buy high quality, FLACC / AAC non DRM music tracks. No, it's not iTunes. It's a very niche market compared to Taylor, et. all. But it's there and there is even a decent selection. Not cheap but not terribly expensive either - about the same as an old time vinyl album.

So mellow out. Listen to Taylor or whatever and leave us alone.

Comment Re:If it ever takes off, no stopping it (Score 2) 62

It will likely be China. You won't get a molecule or drug out of these kinds of 'treatments' - you'll get a protocol that involves specialized handling and specific, tailor made molecules. So you likely won't see patent busting big chemical factories like you now see in India, you need a back room (or more likely an entire building) of highly developed infrastructure, trained people and some significant time to get these techniques to work. It won't be quite as easy as TFA seems to think it is*.

China fits the bill pretty well.

* While you very well may get kitchen biochemists manipulating CRISPER-CAS9, the jump from mucking about the DNA code to a useful therapeutic is very, very wide. Which is why all of these startups are running with multi million dollar VC infusions.

Comment Re:drones (Score 1) 164

ive already told the local fbi and police, if i find any of their drones flying near my house i will knock them out of the sky, they arent pulling that big brother shit on me.

Yes, I'm sure that they just pulled up your file, checked off another box and forgot all about it until you call again with some oddball concern or if they see that you've written another 'Letter to the Editor'.

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