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Comment Re:Technology fatigue (Score 1) 154

3D printing is past peak, Glass is at the peak and heading down, private space never made sense.

The next innovations will be social, and maybe biological. But one thing I've noticed about so-called technophiles: they completely fall apart when faced with the possibility of extending human life. They turn into the crustiest pessimists the planet has ever seen.

Perhaps because human biology is one hell of a lot more complicated that microprocessors and plastic spoons? We've come a long way in the past 100 years - we still have a much longer way to go. We will get there (and what a mess we will make of it) but neither you or I will be alive when it comes about.

Comment Re:Style isn't even in the top 5 problems (Score 1) 154

5) The best uses for it are more industrial - particularly augmented reality uses. Think work instructions while building a complicated assembly. But Google seems to largely be ignoring these.

Exactly. Do your gen I stuff in a smaller environment that is less price averse. The problem is that it doesn't fit Google's business plan - not enough 'customer' info in a few, likely secured, industries. Google should spin it off to another company that can figure out how to make it work on it's own.

Comment Re: Early adopters (Score 1) 154

I don't sit at a desk all day. I run around. Charging a phone / watch / whatever multiple times per day is a non starter. My iPhone 4S is barely tolerable. On long days it gets dangerously close to dead. And yes, I can and do charge it while I'm desk bound, but I'd rather not. There is a balance. I don't need a week, I do need 48 hours. YMMV.

The bigger problem is that, if we ever get battery technology good enough to run Google Glass for a week, it's going to have an energy density on the far side of TNT. That has a number of issues. The other way to go about it is to decrease energy use to get to where batteries are today (or perhaps tomorrow). That's going to take time.

Comment Re:Split Comcast in two (Score 4, Insightful) 135

That may be only a temporary solution. Remember Ma Bell? split up into AT& for long distance and regional 'baby Bells'. The regional companies eventually all morphed back together again, like the liquid-metal terminator. Long-distance rates dropped because companies like Sprint & MCI were allowed to sell services over AT&T's wires (AT&T was forced to allow this). Now we don't quite have a situation of a total monopoly, but it's clear that there's not enough competition, especially at the local level--the service maps are basically gerrymandered districts.

Nothing is permanent. The breakup of Ma Bell did allow for exciting technology such as 2400 baud modems and telephones that had features. It's unclear if the Internet as we know it would exist today if Ma Bell were still alive. Now that the Bell System /SBC has reincarnated itself in AT&T / Verizon it's unclear if the Internet can continue as we know it for much longer.

So I would agree with the the premise of Mr. Jasper - we have to cut the head off the new Zombie before it completely engulfs us. If successful (which I rather doubt), it may set the monster back another decade or two but it will always be there. Under the bed. Hungry. Waiting.

Comment Re:100 Year old (Score 0) 81

Great you guys.... The post is a wonderfully pedantic argument about dating (things, not people, we don't worry about the latter around here). Nothing about the actual substance of the post (which is pretty cool, beats Bennett Halselton posts any day).

I think the Aspberger's pheromone is strong today. Lighten up. At least say "Cool, but ...."

Group hug time?

Comment Re: Check your local community first (Score 3, Insightful) 112

I think you might be going about this backwards - find a group who's goals, methods and timelines interest you. Poke around, see if they can use whatever tech skills you have. It probably will be a non tech group - they're the ones that never can get enough money or expertise for everything. Join them and help out. Depending on your interest, skills, time and their needs, you might end up working with several such organizations.

Comment Re:Stupid, trucks cause the problem (Score 2) 554

More to the point, think of right fucking now where large swaths of the country are buried in 2' or more of snow. Have fun walking or riding a bike in that.

And you think ICE vehicles are a rational response? Have you seen the way these people drive? If there is any reason for a better way to transport people and goods through a snowstorm, I don't know what it would be. Barring that, perhaps we could make sure that people graduating high school were comfortable with the concept of friction, the inclined plane and conservation of momentum and energy.

Except we've sort of tried that and the results are plastered all over the road.

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