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Comment OK, fine, do it already. (Score 5, Insightful) 83

I'm OK with targeted ads. I just wish they would figure out how to target them.

I bought a couple of 'Hello Kitty' flash drives close to a year ago. It was a joke, people kept stealing my generic looking ones. The Hello Kitty sticks stay in my desk. Since then, every other time I log in, Amazon has to breathlessly show me various Hello Kitty things. An impressive panoply of products, but ones that I'm not especially interested in.

Try to buy something for a gift? Well, idiot algorithm thinks you're going to buy the same thing for the next six months....

You'd think it this was easy.

Comment Re:absurd (Score 2) 212

Nope. A website that has to hook into a bunch of poorly maintained, poorly documented databases. That's the hard part.

That they screwed up the web site portion of it is typical Oracle however. Unfortunately, like in any major disaster, there are going to be a number of interlocking pieces, numerous bad decisions and enough legal boilerplate to cover the world ten feet deep.

The only people standing at the end will be the lawyers.

Comment Re:Batteries+ ? (Score 2) 131

For AA batteries (yep, still the most widely used), I like Maha batteries and chargers. Have a number of AAs from 4 - 6 years ago still going strong.

For alkaline cells, Radio Shack has been an excellent source of decent brands over the years. Somebody in purchasing must actually look at what they sell. Better hurry though, it doesn't look like RS will be around much longer.

For camera batteries, I stick with OEMs, even the knockoffs sold at reputable stores like B&H and Adorama just don't work as well (at least for Nikons).

Amusingly enough, I've had good luck with cheapo Chinese knockoffs for my iPhones. Since battery life is crummy anyway, the bar doesn't appear to be all that high.

And for power tool batteries, I've used several different rebuild companies, all with good results. Compared to the unique shapes and sizes of laptops and cell phones, power tools seem to have standardized on generic cells and construction methods.

Comment Re:Novel (Score 2) 180

Ancillary Justice has its merits but read like an first novelist's smart attempt at crossing Alistair Reynolds with Iain M. Banks. Indeed, all three can/could do with good editors to tidy the worst longeurs. There's a little too much fashion sometimes; I rate Phillip Mann's The Disestablishment of Paradise as the strongest sf novel I've read in the past year, stylistically, structurally, thematically and in its characterisation and humour; it betters the Leckie IMO but only made one of the shortlists.

[/. Member, AC due to travel]

Interesting, but as an annoying sidelight that is altogether too common:

HOWEVER!! The Kindle version which I received was full of typos, missing letters and missing words. There were enough mistakes that it passed through annoying and actually affected my ability to follow the story. To their credit the publisher contacted me directly to apologise and asked for examples of mistakes. I've provided some examples but have not heard back, nor do I know how to verify that current versions of the Kindle book have been fixed.

I hate that. How hard is it to copy something into a machine readable format that started out in machine readable format. What do they do, running through Slashdot's filters?

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