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Comment Re:more pseudo science (Score 1) 869

Are you crazy? The current powers that be would love to denigrate Anthropogenic Climate Change. Their is lots of money to be found supporting the current economic paradigm of full steam (literally) ahead. The fact that their is little debate in the field makes me very worried. Remember, scientists, if left to their own devices, would argue about what day it is.

This isn't the Spanish Inquisition. Nobody gets impaled for saying things that run against the grain of major opinion. The only naysayers are a few irrational folks whose thinking has been conclusively to be incorrect.

Grab your shorts and sun screen. Then grab your ankles.

Comment Re:Condi Rice is legitimate choice (Score 1) 448

Dropbox and privacy are core to its mission


If anyone thinks Dropbox, or any other hosted storage system has privacy as a core function is major league delusional. I use Dropbox all of the time. For stuff that isn't intensely private - including encrypted sparse images. I think Dropbox or it's ilk is OK for everyday use, but if you want something private, keep it under your control.

Not that I think having Ms. Rice on the board makes any kind of sense unless you are trying to suck up to the Powers that Be and get in bed with everyone else (for the dollars, of course).

But look at the bright side of things - they could have asked Larry Ellison.

Comment Re:Boomerang (Score 1) 477

OTOH ignoring emails (and the microproblems they typically allude to) just might make one more productive and happier to boot. If you ignore someone on a regular basis, they typically go elsewhere to find the answer to life, the universe and everything.

I've used that selectively and I find it a very refreshing change of pace.

Comment Re:At least someone appreciates work-life balance (Score 1) 477

And in a FREE world, you could also respond to work-related issues after hours.

The only reason the vast majority of people respond to work email outside of work is that they will be punished otherwise.

The only reason? How about fixing minor things before they become major? Helping coworkers and expecting a quid pro quo? Interest in the world? Helping the poor, weak, and downtrodden?

And money. Lots of money. Don't forget that. I get paid a lot of money to be on call.

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Business is a good game -- lots of competition and minimum of rules. You keep score with money. -- Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari
