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Comment Re:Yeah! (Score 1) 514

And yet, I heard a different Republican senator being interviewed this morning, who stated that we need to tighten restrictions on immigration to low and no skill jobs, and allow more immigration of doctors and those with technical skills.

Long ago, I decided that when you hear an opinion from a US politician, all it really tells you is who is financing their campaign. Sometimes the opinion they give is just meant to warn somebody that they haven't contributed enough.

Comment Hope they don't walk to public school (Score 5, Informative) 784

When I was a child, you had to live at least a mile and a quarter from the school to qualify for the bus. Everyone else walked. This was considered absolutely normal. When I was in first grade, I went with some of the neighbor kids. I was six, and this was elementary school, so the oldest kid in the group was probably 10? Crime rates in the US are much lower today than they were then. Just dumb.

Comment Re:Secret Ballot? (Score 1) 480

Shooting is too easy to trace. Why not just close down traffic in select locations. This could be done to inhibit people getting to the polls or to punish local businesses after the fact. Plus, experience shows it's much harder to pin this on anyone. Shootings tend to leave a smoking gun.

Comment Re:What exactly do you mean by "Fraud"? (Score 1) 786

Now, controlling pollution is good. You'll have a hard time finding even the most staunch libertarians that are against rules as far as keeping air and water quality good (Obama's big speech about them wanting dirty air and dirty water was likewise a straw man argument.) However CO2 doesn't play a role in that. I mean shit, we create it simply by breathing.

Well, shit, we create shit by shitting it. I therefore demand that you stop treating shit as a pollutant.

I'll continue to treat it as one, because I'm well aware that biological processes quite naturally produce all sorts of pollutants. But you go ahead and live by your rules.

Comment Re:Time for some leaps and not baby steps (Score 1) 142

Serious question. What would be the scientific benefit coming from discovering that there might have been life on Mars at some point?

Presumably, this discovery would be accompanied by some facts about the nature of the organisms that lived on Mars, not just the fact that they existed. It's hard to know what uses you can put knowledge to when you don't even know what that knowledge is yet.

Comment Gordian Knot (Score 1) 437

Blah Blah Blah Blah... there is an obvious and easy solution to this. Just license everything to all Netfilx customers, instead of regionally. The value of the content that is regional probably adds up to less than the cost to police these stupid rules. In fact, there is more than a decent chance that there would be a net savings to Netfilx and their customers, and a net gain to all content providers.

Comment Re:Kind of disappointed in him. (Score 4, Insightful) 681

I actually read Mr. Tyson's post. I found no hamstering in it. Your problem appears to be with Slashdot characterizing it as an "explanation". In fact, it didn't contain any explanation about the motives or meaning of the tweet. Perhaps it is time to stop blindly believing what the news media feeds you, including Slashdot's slapdash editors.

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