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Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 200

ESPN is not free to the consumer. My cable bill includes a 4 dollar and change "sports channel" surcharge. I watch about 2 or 3 hours of sports channels per year, maybe. Add this to the fact that Cable TV is already way overpriced for the value provided. Getting the few shows I care about through other means grows more and more appealing all the time.

Comment Re:Or Maybe Self-Driving Vehicles (Score 2) 579

Is this related to the dumbasses who wave at you to go when you don't have the right of way? I see this all the time around here at 4 way stop signs. Sometimes they wave me on to go ahead of them when they have the right of way, sometimes they do it when I clearly have the right of way. I don't need your stupid waving. I learned how stop signs work as a requirement for getting a drivers license.

The worst are the people who will stop before an intersection to allow you to make a left hand turn. On a road with two lanes in each direction and themselves in the left hand lane, so that your view of the oncoming traffic in the right hand lane is blocked. I can only assume they are waving me on because they want me to crash into the car in the right hand lane, who did something to piss them off previously.

Comment Re:Cost (Score 1) 228

In order to see a real change you really need a few "killer apps". i.e. some dishes that are significantly easier, better, faster
if prepared using this new oven. A single incredible dish that can only be cooked in this new oven...

Garlic bread. The kind you buy in the supermarket. Either the frozen stuff of the kind in the ovenproof foil bag. It never quite cooks all the way in the oven, so I pop it under the broiler. Just for a second, to brown the top. A second or two to long and it ends up charcoal burnt. And this is what happens. Every. Damn. Time.

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