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Comment Re:Can't have cake and eat it too... (Score 1) 241

an editor can sit down and read the whole newspaper he published in an hour or so, everyday

elon musk cannot read every post made in twitter...that was made in english

I feel this means we can cut some slack to the twitter owners as long as they make a reasonable effort to cut down on the most egregious cases

Comment Re:My 1980+ Experience Says Modern Languages Suck (Score 1) 186

Go is not really a functional programming language; you _can_ use functional techniques in it, but Go is largely a weird fusion of C and Java with a lot of the cruft removed (maybe too much stuff removed), so it is largely an imperative programming/object oriented language

Comment Re: Most people are ignorant about computer securi (Score 1) 166

Yeah, it's all about geolocation, it has NOTHING to do with the fact that if I use BitTorrent without VPN, the damn snoopy ISPs available in my area will send me a threat letter on behalf of the movie studios. Nope that couldn't be a reason for VPN it's ALL geo-restrictions.

Btw my use case for VPN is why i specifically use a no logging VPN provider....

Comment Re:Engineering will produce whatever you ask for (Score 1) 54

googling medeco lock vulnerability says that they can be opened in 30 seconds

they are probably very secure, but you have to keep updating your -physical- lock if you are very lucky, and your padlock provider decides to keep up with the security community

and god help you if you put the padlock on a fence and someone jumps over the fence. all that engineering for nothing

problem with engineering is that you have to list the requirements BEFOREHAND; if someone comes up with a new way of raking your padlock, all that engineering is for nothing.

Comment Re:Agreed (Score 1) 54

Engineering has nothing to do with security.

I can assure you the World Trade Center was perfectly engineered and all the load bearing strength calculations were right.

But engineering could not save them against someone crashing planes into the side of the buildings. Engineering cannot save your padlock from being open by raking it, or stop you from being assaulted just outside of your perfeclty good house with an electric fence.

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