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Comment I understand but I also don't (Score 5, Insightful) 274

Big software projects need developers. Full time, accountable ones with a paycheck and an office. Mozilla feeds theirs with ad revenue, Linux has some corporate supporters who pay the bills.

MediaWiki, that drives Wikipedia, is really complex. And they need new features to support the site better, especially admin tools and backend tech.

But, at the same time, screaming in desperation when you're doing okay and just need support for your functionality means that when you are in trouble, no one can tell.

Comment Re:we ARE different (Score -1, Flamebait) 355

And just to reinforce that this douche is working on imagined extrapolations, if it's so damn heritable, how the fuck do racial IQ disparities shrink almost a whole standard deviation in one generation?

Why did anyone mod ShanghailBill up?

Is this some autistic need to categorize?

What is fucking wrong with slashdotters?

Comment Re:we ARE different (Score -1, Troll) 355

Oh look, racist pseudoscience upmodded to +5 informative. Actually read the goddamn wikipedia page this horrifyingly awful douchebag links.

Fuck, the damn Flynn effect has made a 20 to 40 point shift in the last century, and this douche just fucking glosses over environmental factors as "eh, whatever, they can't explain anything"

Fuck you.

Fuck everyone who upmodded you.

Fuck everyone who just became less informed because you spouted of your uneducated racist-ass beliefs.

And fuck those upcoming assholes who will mod this flamebait, racists are the worst people and deserve zero defense.

Comment Re:Of Course It Was (Score 1, Informative) 355

It's not so much "Taboo" as it is frequently brought up by idiots who have no substantial evidence and a strong history of using made up bullshit to push injustice.

There's very little evidential reason to consider anything said by "racial realists" as anything other than the babbling of childish nincompoops. There is scientific evidence that genetic variation within "races" is greater than the variation between the median genetic profiles of "races".

Suffice it to say, given how much debunked "science" there is in the history of racist fuckery, not expecting any good science from them now isn't unreasonable.

Comment Re:News? (Score 3, Insightful) 109

The thing about a spectrum: there's no hard line.

Don't overassociate here. You can enjoy the work, solving problems, figuring out patterns, without showing any substantial regressive symptoms. You could arbitrarily declare me autistic to fit your model, based on the fact that I hate noise, and I'm moderately introverted, but to me, those are just personality traits, and I doubt a clinical diagnosis would agree.

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