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Comment Re:Keeping products as they are (Score 1) 330

You'll think this is way off topic, and that's fine.

I just had to check, since the SFPD has made it clear that Sarkeesian reported exactly the threats she said she did, do you acknowledge you're wrong?

I read that news and decided to dig up the first person in the Sarkeesian thread who was saying that.

So... I'm reaching out to you, as one of the people who justified the shitbaggery that happened with that particularly idiotic line of reasoning, in the vain hope that you'll change your mind on exactly the evidence you demanded.

Comment Re:Wait, these are for real? (Score 4, Informative) 72

- Is the research reliable?

Well, the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomy Society is one of the longest running astronomy journals in the world, and, to my knowledge, has never done anything substantial to impugn its reputation. It also has a comparatively large impact factor. All signs that the peer review is considered of good quality.

- How can such a thing be stable? Is there any particular process that keeps one star inside the other?

Why wouldn't it be stable? More gravity means more fusion, not less.
The theory says it's a companion star that goes nova, and then is gradually de-orbitted into the larger gas giant.

- What even /is/ such a body? If you were to travel from the outside to the midpoint of the body, would you encounter two barriers of destructing heat, with some emptiness (I'd like to say "vacuum" but of course space is not exactly a vacuum) in between?
Or is it actually just something entirely unlike what you would imagine when someone says "star within a star"?

Oh, and just now I realize you hadn't read the summary. It's a neutron star inside a star. A neutron star is essentially a block of neutronium(essentially a gigantic neutron only nucleus) with some attached hanger on high energy plasma around.

Comment Re:Most taxes are legalized theft (Score 2) 324

Obvious counterpoint to your ideological statement: without taxes all theft is legalized.

The construction of a an idea of theft exists as an artifact of a social system. To pretend that something is "yours" without a legal delineation of ownership is silly.

Obvious counterpoint to your pragmatic statement: details of budgets need to change more rapidly than taxes.

Additionally, combining surpluses and deficits from different programs minimizes overhead.

Comment Re:Perspective (Score 1) 323

As long as we're talking specifically about Apple's factories through Foxconn haven't been alleged to have that problem. They've been noted for having awful, dangerous working conditions with low wages and frequent suicides.

So you're conflating actual slavery, which I totally acknowledged exists, with what Foxconn is doing, which is differently problematic.

Comment Re:Perspective (Score 1) 323

Because universality is a real philosophical concept and this whole verbal semantic gameplaying doesn't make any sense at all?

It's a basic right, too.

It's like you took the wrong dictionary definition for one word, and then thought that had a definite implication on the totally unrelated concept. This argument comes from such an incorrect place, I can't even consider making some kind of completely pointless yield on the phrasing.

Comment Re:Perspective (Score 0) 323


You can't understand the idea of a right derived from being human? Is that concept too complicated for you? Or what? Do you contest the idea on petulant "you can't know anything" grounds?

Because I gotta say, that makes you seem more like an ethical child than a clever debater, at least to me.

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