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Comment Re:let me correct that for you. (Score 1) 619

I get what you're saying, but their intent wasn't really to avoid acknowledging the awful, awful things the soviet union did.

Their intent was to make the same argument that the soviet union did: that they weren't actually communist, "yet". Now, I can get why you don't want to argue with that point: it's fuzzy, it's impossible to prove either way, and it doesn't actually make a meaningful point about communism. Your response, however, doesn't actually address the argument presented.

Comment Re:Extremophile (Score 2) 97

There's a couple things here:

1. Extremophiles evolved progressively to more difficult ecosystems. They came from organisms that could manage in chemically unreactive of mostly water/salt water. It's unlikely the precursors to life, like prions or unbound mRNA chains would've "made it" in arsenic lakes or boiling lakes. But some prokaryotes could manage in environments with a little arsenic, and evolution could work its magic.

Like the creationists say, getting something as complex and robust as a modern organism "randomly" would be a bit like a tornado blowing through a junk yard and assembling a car.

2. The utility of radio waves for communication wouldn't hinge much on the physic form of an organism, just something much like sapience.

Comment Re:Metaphysics CYA (Score 1) 63

Determinism is the philosophical position that for every event, including human action, there exist conditions that could cause no other event. Wikipedia

It's the simple assertion of effect derives from cause. This bears absolutely no relationship to teleological philosophical arguments, which construe reality itself to be purpose driven. Outright unrelated concepts. You need to educate yourself.

Comment Re:I didn't read TFA (Score 1) 63

The difference, of course, is in demonstrating the predictive value of evolution, in a measurable and falsifiable way. Before, we could make pretty reliable predictions about unknown past events, which is good enough to be science, but sciences' main draw is in its utility in being able to understand how things will happen under any given circumstance.

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