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Comment Re:nope! (Score 1) 496

I don't have 100k for a car. A € 20k car is perfectly good for me. I wouldn't call it "shit" because it does the job.

Not everyone lives in an ivory tower, you know? Most people are normal, and drive normal cars. If that doesn't fit you, and you don't have 100k, simply walk or take the bus.

Comment Re:13 deaths? (Score 1) 518

Things like mandatory rear view cameras for people who are too lazy to look in the rear view mirror they already have are an example of technology that isn't really helping anything.

Rear-view mirrors were invented because stupid people are too lazy to turn their heads back and stick them out the window.

Those stupid people are too lazy to crank up their cars. That's why engineers invented the starter, that useless piece of shit.

And what did they invent clutches for? People are too lazy to engage gears with perfect timing, that's why.

Those pesky safety belts were invented because people are too lazy to get a grip when an accident happens. Those idiots.

Honestly, that's the best argument you can come up with? That people are lazy? I hear arguments like that sometimes, like "automatic gearboxes are for lazy people, blah blah, blah". Let me give you a clue: The vast majority of cars are not racing toys, and the vast majority of people don't have, nor want, the skills of a race driver. A car is a tool, it serves the purpose of carrying you, your stuff and your family, and the easier and safer it is to use, the better. The less skills it demands on the driver, the better. It keeps us all safer that way.

Comment Re:13 deaths? (Score 1) 518

I don't know how it is in the US, but here in Europe cars have been steadily getting safer, more reliable, less polluting and more fuel-efficient. A part of that is due to regulations, another part is demand-driven.

Of course, all this evolution makes cars less simple, that's true. But it hasn't increased prices. If anything, they've been coming down. It's hard to compare because of the huge diversity, but now you can buy say, a Dacia, which is an OK car for 2/3 of an equivalent in more prestigious brands. And it comes with all the safety components the other cars have.

Why are you Americans whining all the time? You used to be the pioneers, now you're the naysayers of the world.

Comment Re:Go to hell (Score 4, Informative) 218

Or the rate of shootings that go up in cities where guns are banned.

Chicago has the strictest gun laws on the planet and they are the murder capitol of the world.

Utter bullshit.

World cities by murder rate

U.S. cities my murder rate

Gun control state by state.

Even in the most restrictive of your states (California) the gun laws are laxer than in most of the developed world.

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