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Comment Re:Casio F-91W wristwatch (Score 3, Insightful) 426

The silliness enters the picture when you consider how many non-terrorists own such watches, not when you just look at all the suspected or actual terrorists who do.

How many people running around Afghanistan wear digital watches, much less this particular model? If it's very common in the region, I would agree. But I honestly don't know.

I remember seeing these in many stores in The Netherlands in the '90s. Owned one myself. In many ways it's a better watch than the fancy Swiss one I've got now. Very reliable, user-friendly, incredibly long battery life (people report 8+ years; I know I never had to change the battery in mine), and dirt cheap to boot ($8 on the web). I wouldn't be surprised at all if it's still popular in places like Afghanistan. If it wasn't so ugly I'd still be wearing mine.

Comment Thanks for posting (Score 1) 469

Thanks for posting this story. This issue doesn't affect me, as I don't use EA forums, but it is still something that I find completely unacceptable. I've bought (yes, with money) every RPG Bioware ever released for the PC (and I think I also have a copy of Shattered Steel), but combined with the emphasis on DLC (which requires logging in) in recent titles, this means I will not be buying (or pirating) DA2.

(Apologies for all the parentheses. I'm in the middle of On Lisp.)


Submission + - "Money for Nothing" not fit for Canadian radio ( 2

jenningsthecat writes: In a move that echoes the recent sanitization of Mark Twain's works, the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council has ruled that the Dire Straits song 'Money for Nothing' "contravenes the human rights clauses of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters' Code of Ethics and Equitable Portrayal Code". Twenty-five years after the song's release, it seems that a listener in St. John's, Newfoundland objected to the use of the word 'faggot' in the song's lyrics.

Submission + - "Poo-Gloos" as Effective as Costly Sewage Plants (

Zothecula writes: Poo isn't something generally talked about in polite company but like it or not, all of that human waste has to go somewhere. In smaller rural communities, it usually goes to wastewater lagoon systems; the alternative is mechanical treatment plants which process waste far more quickly but are expensive, labor intensive and often use chemicals. Enter the "Poo-Gloo," or Bio-Dome as it is officially known – an igloo-shaped device that can reportedly clean up sewage as effectively, but far more cheaply, than its mechanical counterparts. The Poo-Gloo, developed by Wastewater Compliance Systems, Inc., uses a combination of air, dark environment and large surface area to encourage the growth of a bacterial biofilm which consumes the wastewater pollutants. It is claimed that Poo-Gloos can treat pollutants just as quickly as mechanical plants while operating at a fraction of the cost – hundreds of dollars a month rather than thousands – and can be retrofitted to existing lagoon systems.

Comment Re:I didn't buy one for the payback (Score 1) 762

Hear ye, hear ye!

The thing that keeps me up at night is running out of affordable fuel. Without it, we can't run the tractors and combines to work the land, we can't run the trucks to transport the food to the cities, we can't maintain the electricity and gas grids, we can't maintain the flood control systems, we can't stock hospitals, etc., etc.

I don't have the brains or the means to develop an alternative to fossil fuels. But I can sure use the power of capitalism to encourage others to do so. And if that ends up being green as well as saving our civilization, that's a nice bonus.

Comment Re:This opens a lot of doors (Score 1) 266

IANAL, but I did have a law class at university where they stated that running software is in practice considered to fall under copyright, as code is copied to memory before execution.

Of course, this is a total perversion of all intentions behind copyright, but that isn't something that lawyers seem to care about...

Comment Re:No one wants to be behind the times (Score 1) 252

If you can get a hold of it, you may want to check out I-War. I have no idea if it's aged well or not, but back in the day it was pretty amazing. Very deep gameplay (including Newtonian physics, as in the game you're referring to), good story, and graphics that, at the time, were absolutely gorgeous. Had more fun with that one than with Freespace.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
