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Voice Recognition for a Techie? 102

kaybee asks: "I am a long-time developer, sysadmin, and general computer junkie (for fun and for work) who needs to seriously curb the usage of his hands. I'm curious as to the current voice recognition options, preferably usable on Linux and Windows. I prefer the command-line to a GUI, I prefer Vim to anything else, and I still read my email with Pine. I'd like to hear options for sending email via voice, which I hope is easy, and I'd love to hear of any solutions that allow effective coding via voice, which seems much more difficult."

Best of GDC 2006 6

Gamasutra has their weekly industry response column up, and this one deals with the best moments at this year's Game Developer's Conference. From the article: "I found one session particularly inspiring. It was refreshing to hear the speaker talk about the inspirations behind his product. Most inspiring, though, was the way he talked about the ideological goals he specifically wanted to express with it, that he had something larger about the world he wanted to show through his entertainment. Unfortunately and unsurprisingly, that speaker had nothing to do with the game industry - it was Ron Moore at his Battlestar Galactica keynote. -Borut Pfeifer, Sony Online Entertainment"

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