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Comment Re:Slashdot (Score 4, Informative) 1397

I personally hate that naming scheme, it's confusing and produces long, hard to remember and typo-prone hostnames.

NS records exist for a reason. Your example could just as easily be:


Since every Windows network (and that tends to be where I see domain names like that) is a real DNS domain, there's no reason you couldn't do this. This has the added benefit of being able to push a DNS search domain based on the location of the computer doing the DHCP request, then having certain hosts that are replicated in each area subdomain, for example a CMS or a DB. Does sydwindb002 replicate to nycwindb002? Have windb002.syd replicate to windb002.nyc (and vice versa) then let users just put in windb002, and traveling users will be able to automagically use the closest and probably fastest DB server.

Or, in the case of a CMS, have one top-level CMS that refers to local ones. Say you have cms.example.com and cms.xxx.example.com. Depending on your network location, typing in CMS will either take you to the top-level CMS or the local one, which might aggregate data from the top-level one.


Obama Staffers Followed Palin's Email Lead On Inauguration Day 407

theodp writes "Using Yahoo's free e-mail service to conduct government business was good enough for Sarah Palin. And now the Washington Times reports that Obama staffers turned to Gmail on Inauguration Day to conduct their business. Those wishing to contact members of the incoming Obama administration were instructed to contact staffers at wh.LASTNAME@gmail.com until official White House e-mail addresses became available."

Comment Re:Samba4 (Score 1) 409

Hear hear, re: Outlook. Evolution or Thunderbird know how to speak IMAP, SMTP, and LDAP (for address book services).

And they multithread, so they don't lock up while talking to the server. Outlook still hasn't learned to do that, as of Outlook 2007.

Comment Re:Not Samba? (Score 1) 409

Samba isn't really a drop-in replacement for AD. It can be a replacement for an NT4-era Domain Controller, maybe. But it only speaks NetBIOS/NetBUI and SMB. Active Directory replaces the former with LDAP and Kerberos, though I believe the Kerberos functionality can be discarded without missing much.

Comment Re:I don't get it (Score 5, Insightful) 1475

We don't subsidize kids to encourage having kids, you idiot. We subsidize kids because kids are expensive, and it's beneficial to society at large that the kids grow up educated (guess what? people without kids subsidize public schools too) and well taken care of rather than illiterate and malnourished.

We subsidize marriage (and make it somewhat difficult to dissolve) because it is (in theory) a stable relationship, and stable relationships are good for society as a whole, just ask a sociologist. It is particularly good for children to have parents who are in a stable relationship (just ask any kid whose parents are divorced), and encouraging marriage is the easiest way to ensure that.

By the way, (just at the general audience) this isn't a valid argument against gay marriage. Gays can adopt, and many do - it's still beneficial for adopted kids to be in a stable family, regardless of the gender of their adopted parents.

Comment Re:The arguments of olde - don't carry much weight (Score 1) 287

No, you're right. Power consumption is in watts - if something takes 5 Amperes at 120 V (600W), it will take 2.5 Amperes at 240 V (600W). There is very little difference in efficiency at either voltage since it's all stepped down to ~3V, 5.5V, and 12V anyway (and I think one other, lower) and rectified.

Where higher voltage does give you better efficiency is in the wiring, though wiring efficiency is pretty trivial in something the size of a data center unless it's a large one.

Comment Re:Kinda makes me wonder (Score 1) 421

Except that certain types of alcohol (specifically, wine and derivatives (brandy)) are beneficial in moderation. Something to do with antioxidants, maybe. Also, liver damage has only been shown to result from consistent drinking to excess.

I don't know that a proper study of tobacco products in moderation has ever been conducted, however nicotine is known to be one of the more addictive substances that humans abuse, and the cocktail of arsenic, tar, and other shit you inhale can't possibly be good. Tobacco products have no physical benefit (nicotine, although a stimulant, has antidepressant properties for some people), and even in moderation do have the potential for significant harm, increasing risk of respiratory infection. And let's not forget that cigarette (can't speak to cigars) manufacturers have been/are known to add additives to their product to make them more addictive, something the FDA (in the States) has adamantly refused to regulate, in addition to refusing to require an ingredients list.

Thus, the double standard - tobacco is potentially harmful in any amount, where alcohol is known to be harmless or beneficial in moderation (just look at all of Italy).

Comment Re:How about a few more warning labels? (Score 1) 421

Who the hell modded this guy Insightful? This is Flamebait, at best.

Can't resist, though.

"Joining the military may be hazardous to your health."

People joining the military are well aware that the enemy shoots back. They join because they believe in the military or their country. Or for some other reason. Also, joining the military may be conducive to your respect and maturity, something parent may want to look to.

"Progress is the opposite of Congress."

Alas, such is bureaucracy and democracy. Not everyone agrees, so it takes time to get things done. Always. Ever try to navigate the process required for a change in an enterprise computer system environment? Last place I worked took almost four years to complete their pilot of the next version of the system.

"Paying your taxes subsidizes stupidity."

Paying taxes subsidizes that cell you'll be sharing with Bubba if you don't.

Taxes pay for education, public safety (read: police), roads, and everything else we of the first world are fortunate enough to take for granted.

"Voting is an endorsement of the status quo."

Yeah, okay. You don't get to complain about something if you refuse to try to change it.

Comment Re:'recalling' email - laugh! (Score 1) 384

"If sent to a non-Microsoft mail system" isn't entirely accurate - if it's sent to another (foreign) Exchange/Outlook infrastructure, it still won't work. At least in some cases it won't.

I'd be curious to know if there are cases where it will, though - I've never seen it work (but then, that's the point, isn't it?)

Comment Re:It Is Not Prominantly Displayed (Score 1) 333

Well here's the thing: they shouldn't need to. Google and Yahoo both push OpenID as a federated login (think MSN/.NET/Windows Live Passport, but free as in FSF). Go to Zoho - you click to sign in with either Yahoo or Google, and it bounces you to the respective OpenID sign-in page, without ever asking you for a URL.

This is a much more friendly, usable system to your typical user than "http://username.screenname.aol.com/" or whatever.

Comment Right idea, wrong interface (Score 1) 333

OpenID is a great system, and it's hardly dying. It's just changing.

The traditional (and right now, standard) view of OpenID is that you use a URL (or an i-name, which are all but useless because, hey, there's a lot of people qualified for =john.doe - and they are not free. How many people do you know with a .name URL?) to sign in to a website. This is pointless, because nobody wants to be identified by their blog when they log into facebook, or by their myspace account when they comment on blogger.

The way it's increasingly being used now is as a federated authentication mechanism, kind of like Windows Live Passport, except an open protocol. It's more or less completely transparent to the end user - I go to Zoho Office and click the button to log in with either Google or Yahoo, and it bounces me to the selected provider's OpenID page without forcing me to remember something like https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id. That kind of system - transparent federated authentication - is much more likely to catch on with your average end-user.

Comment Re:wow (Score 1) 844

Try reading that again. GP isn't saying that if a handful of members of a church you are in go against your principles you should leave, sie is saying that if the leadership violates your principles, it's time to find new leadership. Whether it refers to leadership at the level of a class, a congregation (ref. "radical imam" or Westboro Baptist Church), an area, or a religion (ref. Church of Scientology), it is time to find new leadership at that level.

That could just mean a different class in a given church. It could mean a new church, or it could mean a new religion (or sect thereof).

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