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Comment Re:You get nothing. Good day, sir! (Score 0) 174

The energy gets transferred to the sea surface and moves towards the poles. Warmer air moves in the direction of the path of least resistance which is toward the poles. The warm air displaces the cold arctic air and the polar vortex is now over the North America. Can you see the similarities in last winters weather patterns? Welcome to the new ice age.

Comment Dare to Imagine (Score 0) 147

To understand this universe you must try and imagine how things must be like in another universe with different universal laws. String theory will eventually fail, but it is a path that we must follow to get to where we want to go. I have been to the end of that path and realized that the answer I was looking for was right at the beginning (three body systems).

Comment Predicting the future (Score 0) 63

The only missing variable may be that human intelligence is relative to the size of the population. It may explain why we have no empathy towards this planet. The impossible situations that we face today may someday be solved as long as we keep increasing the population. Otherwise, we are surely doomed.

Comment Exotic Matter (Score 0) 76

Blackholes have been here since day one. They are simply matter that came from our neighboring universes. They follow different quantum laws than the matter in our universe. Our universe is a stream and it is flowing in one direction. The big bang is only an allusion. If the Andromeda galaxy was moving away from us, we would see that the universe was shrinking instead of expanding.

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