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Comment Re:Laziness (Score 1) 150

The problem is worse on Android than on many other platforms because there are very few native shared libraries exposed to developer and there is no sensible mechanism for updating them all. If there's a vulnerability in a library that a load of developers use, then you need 100% of those developers to update the library and ship new versions of their apps to be secure. For most other systems, core libraries are part of a system update and so can be fixed centrally.

It used to be very common with MS Windows for libraries to be bundled with applications. A situation called "DLL hell". Which can be even worst when an application installer tries to update a "system" copy of the library.

Comment Re:Laziness (Score 1) 150

Although you certainly have a point, the core problem is often that the documentation is poor.

A not uncommon problem being "solutions" which omit steps or assume that everyone knows how to find, what is in practice, an obscure option. Sometimes also having "boilerplate" which overexplains another part of the process.

Amazingly, security libraries are often in this category. Is there a really good writeup ANYWHERE about SSL, certificates and signing practices?

That would also have to include TLS, STARTTLS, how it can really be STARTSSL, etc. There's also the issue of what is actually part of the protocol and what is implimentation specific.

Comment Re:Laziness (Score 1) 150

Case in point, there's a scary big number of posts from people telling developers how to turn off SSL chain validation so that they can use self-signed certs, and a scary small number of posts reminding developers that they'd better not even think about shipping it without removing that code, and bordering on zero posts explaining how to replace the SSL chain validation with a proper check so that their app will actually be moderately secure with that self-signed cert even if it does ship. The result is that those ten thousand developers end up (statistically) finding the wrong way far more often than the right way.

There are also cases where using a self signed certificate is rather more secure than using a CA to. The whole CA idea having all sorts of problems.
Though the example is one of those where only someone who didn't understand how things worked would need to ask such a question in the first place.

Comment Re:This is not a religious problem. (Score 1) 512

The hard-line Jewish extremists want to take over the whole of "Eretz Yisrael." They are not interested in subjugating the entire world.

They may or may not be interested in "subjugating the entire world", but they do appear to have managed to influence governments in many places. Such that it can be very important that a politican support "Israel". Sometimes even more so than the US, Germany, UK, Australia, etc.
How is this not a form of "subjugation"?

Comment Re:maybe (Score 1) 512

Personally, I consider it incredibly sad that of all the people on the planet, of all the countries and governments on this planet... Hell, if there was ONE people, one government, one country that should KNOW for a fact that the whole crap doesn't work out and that it can only lead to destruction...

It wouldn't be the first time that an "oppressed people" turn out to be just as bad themselves given the opportunity.
However politically correct the question might be it needs to be asked why should one group of people seem to find themselves at odds with many other groups of people.

Comment Re:Scale and proportion. (Score 1) 512

More like....lies repeated by those who are useful fools at best and racists at worst. The storyline put forth goes like so: this all started when Hamas kidnapped three teenagers and then killed them in June. Israel launched a search and rescue mission, and Hamas responded by firing rockets.

The Israeli line is now "Everything is the fault of Hamas.", it used to be "Everything is the fault of the PLO."

Despite being pretty damned sure they were all dead - you can hear gunshots over one of the teens cell phones and the car was soon found full of blood and bullet casings - they spent weeks arresting Palestinians and bulldozing homes in Gaza for a kidnapping in the West Bank even after the Palestinian Authority was helping search for the missing teens.

Similarly you have israeli claims that Hamas was firing missiles from Lebanon. Something which is incredibly unlikely for several reasons.

And even Israeli outlets admit that rockets were only fired in response to IDF attacks:

The Israeli press often seems more likely to give an accurate account of what's actually going on. A similiar "oddity" is that the Israeli government often gets more united support from foreign government bodies, most notably the US Congress, than from the Kenesset.

Comment Re:Scale and proportion. (Score 1) 512

That "handful of pesky terrorists" happen to be the elected Palestinian government. This is what happens when people elect terror organizations as their representatives...

Yet, interesting, that argument does not get applied to Likud. In another part of the world Sinn Féin is now treated as a regular politican party by London and Dublin.
As with the term "terrorist" itself acceptance of political parties founded by terrorists is highly political.

Comment Re:Should Hate be left alone? (Score 1) 512

The problem is that the moment you don't blindly side with Israelis you are labeled as racist nazi sympathizer.

Ignoring the irony of some of the things which IDF officers have come out with.
Actually the usual retoric is along the lines that "Zionism" is the same thing as "Judeism". A non "Jew" is "anti-semitic" for saying anything against Israel. A "Jew" who does is "self hating".

Comment Re:Should Hate be left alone? (Score 1) 512

The problem with most of these comments is that they are vile and hate-filled toward not just a country, but an entire religion.

There dosn't appear to be any way to independently verify what proportion of comments might be being "blocked", "removed", "moderated", etc from a blog attached to a French newspaper. Never mind what the content of such comments may or may not actually be.

Comment Re:Great... (Score 2) 582

The civilian plane would have a radar transponder that said "Hi, I am Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17".

That's if you send the plane a MODE-S interrogation. Otherwise all you will get is altitude, MODE-3A and a 12 bit number, MODE-3C.
Since the rebels had no planes of their own and apparently assumed that the area was closed to civilian traffic they may have completly ignored SSR returns.
Working out what is being targeted turns out to be the hardest part of operating such a SAM system. Especially if all you have is the TEL... Even with the additional radar and control room the system is likely to be far more less sophisticated than a Ticonderoga-class cruiser.

Comment Re:WinAPI Windows (Score 1) 322

The questions are

1: will MS continue tying winRT to the windows store and charging people for the privilage of bypassing it?
2: will MS be able to extend/enhance winRT so that one app can give a good experiance on both desktop and mobile?
3: will the developers buy into it or will they stick with win32 to maintain compatibility with the massive installed base of older versions?

Comment Re:Status quo vs The Future (Score 1) 342

Renewable energy and "sustainable transportation" were largely tried in the 19th century and abandoned because they were too limiting.

Wind power is considerably older than that. It's actually considered to be the first form of non muscle based power used by himans.
Also "renewable" and "sustainable" have reached the point of being politcial "weasel words" more often that sensible descriptions.

Comment Re:Why would I want "special magic things"? (Score 1) 322

pro-tip: not all keyboards have Windows keys!

Not all but certainly the vast majority.

The bigger problem with global shortcut keys is remote desktop tools, VMs etc. Will the global shortcut be picked up by the outer system? the inner system? both? (IME it's usually the outer system but I haven't tried win8 yet) what do I do if I want the other one?

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