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Submission + - Why "Gaming" Chips Are Moving Into the Server Room 1

Esther Schindler writes: "After several years of trying, graphics processing units (GPUs) are beginning to win over the major server vendors. Dell and IBM are the first tier-one server vendors to adopt GPUs as server processors for high-performance computing (HPC). Here’s a high level view of the hardware change and what it might mean to your data center. (Hint: faster servers.) The article also addresses what it takes to write software for GPUs: "Adopting GPU computing is not a drop-in task. You can’t just add a few boards and let the processors do the rest, as when you add more CPUs. Some programming work has to be done, and it’s not something that can be accomplished with a few libraries and lines of code.""

Submission + - SOCTUS rules sex offender can be held indefinately (

Sprouticus writes: In a mind boggling decision the SOCTUS has castrated the 4th amendment today by ruling that federal prisoners jailed for sex offenses who is deemed mentally ill and 'a threat to others'. While the ruling is theoretically narrow, the precedent is scary

Submission + - 25 RPG Parodies, 1 Indie Developer (

kghapa writes: Japanese indie-developer SKIPMORE has made a short, fun, and charming parody RPG game for your browser. What's especially groovy about this game is that its shortness allows you to really think about what the developer's saying about the genre

Submission + - Quadriplegic Gamer Asks For Custom Button Layouts (

An anonymous reader writes: Hey guys, Something I'm working on... Custom Button reMapping for console gaming. It will benefit every gamer not just the handiCAPpers. I'm chuck bittner and I approve this email ;)

p.s. One studio contacted me and said they were going to talk about committing to this. would be great PR I told them.


Submission + - Fanboy: The story behind tech's favorite put-down ( 1

harrymcc writes: Dismissing a person whose taste in tech products differs from yours as a mere fanboy--especially if that person is an Apple fan, and you aren't--has become so common that it's a cliche. But where'd the word come from? I was unsatisfied with the dictionary explanation, so I did my homework, and traced it to its origin in a 1973 fanzine with a print run of eleven copies. Jay Lynch, the underground cartoonist and co-creator of Wacky Packages and Garbage Pail Kids, coined "fanboy"--long before it wound up in movies, TV shows, books, and heated online discussions everywhere.

Comment Stopped reading at... (Score 5, Funny) 753

..."I live in London and many of my favo(u)rite TV shows are American. So if I want to see the latest episode of South Park or Friday Night Lights..." I threw a flag right then. If you spend your time downloading and watching Texas' version of Days of Our Lives I have no more time for you. Personal Foul. Good bye now.

Submission + - It will be great if Kindle 3 is look like this (

An anonymous reader writes: No news for Kindle 3 for a while and still wonder what it will be. I just watch this Coursesmart Tablet Concept from and I think it will be great if Kindle3 is be something like this, that’s means you don’t have to go to anymore ! Enjoy the video.

Submission + - Facebook Gobbling Up Data Center Space (

miller60 writes: Serving 400 million users requires a lot of servers. That's why Facebook is amassing data centers in key markets in Silicon Valley and northern Virginia. The social network has leased large chunks of space in brand new facilities in Santa Clara, Calif. and Ashburn, Va., even as it continues to build its own data center in Prineville, Oregon. Facebook has admitted having least 30,000 servers, but that was more than 100 million users ago.

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