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Submission + - How to make people to like you more

anwar001 writes: "Making people to like you can be beneficial in many situations — be it in politics, social relations, public meetings, sales calls, business meetings, relationship with your boss etc. Here is a neat little trick. I did not find an appropriate category to put it in, so placed it under science as it really has some scientific principles to it."

Submission + - Killer's alleged step-mom writes to Gabe of PA

Shambhu writes: In this Penny Arcade post (scroll down) Gabe displays an email received from someone claiming to be the step-mother of one of the teenage killers of a homeless man that got so much press recently. The letter was in response to Gabe's earlier rant about the media blaming video games for violent crime which included a link to this CNN article. It doesn't make for very pleasant reading, and while I don't know how or when the authenticity will be confirmed, the letter confirms what most people expected: that these kids were not 'normal' in most senses of the term.
PC Games (Games)

Submission + - Which Is Better for Vista Gaming, ATI or Nvidia?

mikemuch writes: "It's fairly well known that PC games run a bit slower in Vista than in XP, but by how much exactly? And to what degree should the graphics drivers be held responsible? Jason Cross compares game performance under Vista using Nvidia and ATI hardware. He ran 3DMark and five popular games at three different resolutions first on XP, then on Vista, and reports the difference. Surprisingly, in a couple of cases games actually ran faster under Vista."

Submission + - preferred C++ source file extension

bobl writes: What is your preferred C++ source file extension?
  • .c++
  • .CC
  • .cpp
  • .cxx
  • .g++
  • .cbn

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"Spock, did you see the looks on their faces?" "Yes, Captain, a sort of vacant contentment."
