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Comment Re:Not a surprise (Score 1) 250

The defense never tried to claim innocence. This trial was never about anything other than life in prison versus death penalty. It's a waste of taxpayer money since they certainly could have avoided trial and gotten a guilty plea with life in prison if they had taken the death penalty off the table. Plus you don't want to make martyrs - life in prison is much less glorious.

Comment Re:That will be amusing (Score 1) 262

The clerks don't care, and why should they? But I believe the computer was setup so it was truly impossible for them to complete a sale without entering something. I've seen them make up a name and address when I refuse to give them one.

I avoided Radio Shack because of that policy, as did many others. I'm sure it's one of the reasons they went out of business. At least I hope it is - it serves them right.

Comment Re:Check their work or check the summary? (Score 1) 486

But they are in a loop, so what's your point?

And to be more pedantic, I don't think "+" is ever faster in Java, it gets expanded to StringBuilder at compile time. "+" is more readable and not slower if you can do it all in one statement. If spread out across control statements (if/else or loops) then use StringBuilder.

Comment Re:Check their work or check the summary? (Score 5, Interesting) 486

The language is not the problem, the code is terrible. They did String concatenation in the most expensive way possible. I'm pretty sure if you used a pre-sized StringBuilder it would be faster in memory.

They also make some very novice benchmarking mistakes.

This is actually a pretty good interview problem. Anyone who writes code like that should not be hired, even for a junior position.

Comment Re:Hmm.. so? (Score 1) 178

At best this raises the suspicion that somebody in the chain of responsibility for maintenance and/or flight assignment may have been involved. (How do they decide which plane flies which route?)

If someone from the maintenance team was involved in a conspiracy to take down the plane I really doubt they would've recorded the evidence in the maintenance logs.

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