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Comment Re:Progress but... (Score 2) 353

And also learn new skills for coping.

But this is what gets the conservatives panties in a bunch. They don't want to teach kids critical thinking skills. They just want times to go back to the way they were when a small town's culture was taught by the local preacher. And they could control the populations belief systems by instilling a sense of fear of 'outsiders'.

That Interweb is nothing but a bunch of outsiders.

Comment Re:And now why this can not be done in the USofA (Score 1) 317

Wind and Solar. All other energy generation is blasphemy to the environmentalist religion.

Not really. Look at some of the offshore wind farm projects in Massachusetts and New York that were shut down by "environmentalists" who just didn't want their million dollar views disturbed. That "religion" is for sale.

And the habitat restoration originally envisioned with the dismantling of the Elwha Dam is getting environmentalists' panties in a bunch as well. The speed at which migratory fish are repopulating the new habitat is undermining the theory that unique species or families of salmon must return to their own spawning grounds. And so every piece of habitat deserves its own protection. It turns out that the fish are perfectly happy to swim up any convenient river. This also means that one of the major arguments against fisheries; that they reduce genetic variability and thereby increase susceptibility to disease, can easily be mitigated by swapping stock between fisheries.

Comment Re:Light levels, not computer games (Score 1) 144

This seems to be counterintuitive. Bright lights cause pupils to contract, increasing the depth of field and reducing the work that the ciliary (focusing) muscles have to do. The more work these muscles have to do, the stronger they get and the more they flex the lens, keeping it pliable.

In times past, the best test for visual acuity was the ability to resolve double stars.

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