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Comment Maybe because he's the best there ever was? (Score 1) 232

Guy is one of, if not the, best at assembly optimization, particularly as it pertains to videogames. So if what you want is something that is fast, stable, and highly optimized, well he's one of the best around.

It is highly unlikely Doom would have ever been able to exist at the time it did, were it not for his expertise in optimizations.

Comment Also MS has a good reputation with hardware (Score 2) 535

Their hardware is known to do what it is advertised to do, be reasonably well built, and not have a bunch of BS tie-ins. If you buy a MS keyboard or mouse, well that's what you get. You don't have to install "Bing, for your Mouse!" or some shit like that to make it work. You plug it in to the computer, it does its thing. It isn't prevented from working under Linux or anything like that. I know plenty of Linux types that do not care for MS software, but like their hardware.

Comment I think all the Bitcoin fans read Cryptonomicron (Score 1) 273

And they thought it would be the real world.

It seems most BTC proponents are either people who are scammers, traders trying to make a quick buck, or true believers with an extremely poor understanding of economics. Most of the true believer types think that BTC would be great because there would be no taxes to pay on them and taxes are evil!

They never bothered to think about the fact that the government isn't likely to just give up on trying to collect taxes, nor what would happen to society if taxes were not able to be collected. It is just a selfish "I could have more money without doing anything, and so I like it!" attitude.

Comment No shit (Score 1) 535

Particularly Oculus. I mean the thing is in the prototype stage, and has nothing really in the way of unique technology. Plenty of 3D headsets have been done before, and all the screens, processors, sensors, and so on they are using are off the shelf shit.

Well guess what? You can buy a lot of that for $2 Billion. You can also hire a lot of engineers, developers, and so on. I'd venture to say with a budget like that you could probably beat them to market, given how glacially slow their development has been.

I really can't see how there is anywhere near that kind of value to this. It has no market share, no product, it is just a concept in development.

Comment Probably not (Score 1) 273

Any sort of in game currency where there isn't any value isn't going to be an issue since, well, there's no value. Now I know WoW gold is sold by Chinese farmers, but over all it is a zero value item. Blizzard doesn't allow sales, they'll ban you if you buy or sell, etc, etc. It isn't the kind of thing anyone buys as an investment or speculation or anything. It also isn't worth very much, and you find most IRS rules exempt things under a certain amount.

Particularly if YOU don't buy or sell it then there isn't really any issue. They aren't going to come after you for something you never exchange for currency, if for no other reason than they aren't going to monitor it at all.

In general game currency is likely to be left alone just because the amounts aren't likely to get that high. Plus most games have a highly inflationary economy. There is no limit to money, there's no "Horde Reserve Bank" that issues gold. The game just generates it whenever you do something that is programmed to give gold, and you can do it as much as you like. So buying gold to hold on to would basically always be a money losing proposition.

Comment So if you forget to lock your front door (Score 4, Insightful) 246

And it blows open in the wind, I can just hop on in to your house and nose around?

The answer, in case you are wondering, is no. While you should take precautions to secure your house, your failure to do so is not the same as permission to enter or do as I please.

Comment Well with that (Score 1) 710

I'd say I personally want more information before determining who is the psycho. I have on more than one occasion seen a person claim that they have a psycho who is out to get them, only to discover that the person making the claim is the one who's psycho, not the person who's allegedly out to get them. Or, sometimes, both are psycho.

There's a situation like that where I work. One of the advisers HATES the head secretary. She will tell anyone who will listen about what an evil bitch the secretary is and so on and so forth. Ya well, observational evidence does not bear this out. In fact it shows the opposite is true, the adviser is the source of the issues and is the one who's being a jerk.

So not claiming that this lady's story is untrue, but I'm not willing to believe it without some more verification. Particularly in light of the other trivial issues like the hula-hoop thing. Often a sign of psycho behaviour is making a big deal out of little things.

Comment Was there any encouragmenent though? (Score 1) 710

That doesn't seem to be claimed. You have to remember, some people like to show off and have fun. Back in my partying days I saw all kinds of people, men and women, do all kinds of things that they enjoyed doing, but also with the intention of having an audience. That was part of the reason they were doing them at a party, in public. They wished for an audience. Also people usually did watch because, well, when something is going on it is natural to watch. One of my friends loved to breathe fire, he'd get some 151 in his mouth, hold a lighter near it, and spew it out, causing it to catch fire. Looked pretty impressive and always drew a crowd.

So ya, if the women were pushed in to then and/or if men were making inappropriate comments then I see a problem. However if the women decided it would be fun to do and the men watching because it was something going on then I don't see a problem.

Comment It was a pretty bad choice (Score 2) 84

Not the lower res/graphical fanciness, but the controller. It isn't that much fun to use as a controller because, well, it is fucking huge. It is a tablet. Thing is, if people wanted to play games on a tablet they'd probably do so and on one that could travel around with them.

Also it is pretty expensive. The screen, wireless interface, processor, all that jazz costs quite a bit and pushed up the cost of the Wii U. Part of what made the Wii successful was that it was really cheap compared to the "big 2" consoles. So people got it for kids or got it as an "and a" console along with their favoured of the bigger ones. This time though, the price advantage is not as much. It is still cheaper but not by as much.

So since the gimmick isn't something people are that interested in, and it drives up the price, it really hasn't been a good move. Despite being out a good bit longer than the Xboner and the PS4 it hasn't sold more.

Actually similar issue on the Xboner's side with the Kinect. That is the primary reason is costs more than the PS4, and that cost has been putting a damper on its sales. People just have no fucks to give about the controller gimmick, they wanna play games.

Comment Also for phones it is 100% fine (Score 1) 358

You can get 10 watts over it, no issue. All the new high end Samsung phones come with a 5v 2a charger that is nothing special. 10 watts is more than plenty for phone devices. That is enough to run the device at full bore and to still have power left over to charge. You wouldn't want a cellphone that could draw more than that, it would have next to no battery life.

I'd be fine with a connector that is better, if someone wants to work up and introduce a standard, meaning an open standard the whole industry can use (like USB). But I'm not buying the bullshit of needing proprietary connectors because of power requirements. No, not for handheld devices. USB is fine. Use it, or introduce a better standard.

Comment Go find another thread to whine in (Score 4, Insightful) 309

There a topic that isn't about America? Well can't have that! Spin it to be about America! Redirect all topics to be on America, particularly whining about America!

Seriously, this American-centric bitching is really annoying. People need to knock it off. This is about Russia. That things are happening in America doesn't mean things aren't happening elsewhere. It also doesn't mean those things aren't of interest to the wider world. What is happening in Russia right now is of quite a bit of interest not just to Russians, but to Ukrainians, and to the whole of Europe. Also some people from the US might like to know too because hey, it is nice to be informed about the wider world.

So quit. Quit trying to make every thread about the US. There are lots and lots of those on Slashdot. When something comes up on a foreign country, let it be on that topic. The topic at hand is Russian media/internet censorship not NSA spying. That one is a little further down the front page.

Comment Re:Why dealerships get a free ride (Score 2) 342

Yes, I can come up with a thousand free market answers. And yes, that pretty much answers your question.

Would you buy a vehicle from any company whatsoever if you knew that parts were difficult to acquire? A manufacturer can play a game with parts availability only if they don't plan to stay in business.

Maybe we should go back to renting our phones from ATT as well.

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