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Comment Re:A time and place for everything (Score 1) 423

This is the key that sucks with SQL, once you commit to one vendor, its hard to escape.

This is laughably false if you stick to ANSI/ISO SQL. SQL is itself vendor-agnostic, it's a promise for an api.

Don't use vendor specific queries and you'll be completely portable. I've migrated many applications and DBs between postgresql, mysql, sqllite and oracle with little difficulty.

Comment Re:not really a ban (Score 1) 631

Of course, it's illegal to take oxycodone in any manner other than as directed by a physician, so we don't have to worry about that, right? Right?

More importantly, I don't care what happens to someone who willfully takes drugs in a non-prescribed manner. If you want to suicide by drugs, please make sure your living will is up to date.

Ask your doctor before you take any medication in conjuction with a prescription medication. At the very minimum, ask your pharmacist (the pharmacist will have better knowledge of potential drug interactions, but poorer knowledge of your personal medical situation).

This is great advice, although I don't particularly agree that a pharmacist will have better knowledge of the drug interactions. My wife is an ob/gyn, and apart from the fact that she spent most of her second year of medical school learning about drugs and their interactions, she also has to continue to educate herself on new medications (including their interactions).

Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking pharmacists--they're good people and they know what they know.

Comment Re:Editorialise much ? (Score 5, Insightful) 277

He's not trolling. Did you read the article?

Their emulator is capable of executing arbitrary BASIC code. That's like complaining that you spent a bunch of time writing a Java emulator for the iphone but then it was rejected. It's clearly disallowed, and that's not unreasonable--if they didn't disallow it, it would basically make the app store completely useless. People could write apps that were specifically intended to run on your execution platform, and completely bypass the app store. While you may not agree with this decision, it's reasonable as-is.

What I'm certain they'll be able to do is what Sega and others have done, and release a game pack that has a few games, but doesn't support downloadable content, or release one (or a few) game(s) at a time that uses their emulator backend for $0.99 each. I suspect as long as they don't expose their emulator directly, they'll be fine.

(And frankly, if you're going to argue that a programmable calculator or even a chip-8 emulator is in the same category as a BASIC interpreter, you're simply wrong).

Comment Re:What's the big deal? (Score 1) 147

Your response sounded to me like a complete dismissal of the whole situation, which is equally foolish.

A complete dismissal by the general population is likely appropriate, though.

You should be doing the same things you always do to avoid illness: wash your hands frequently, cover your mouth when you sneeze/cough, stay home when you're sick. If you're in a position where you're likely to encounter the disease (medical profession, travelling to areas that have seen high numbers of infections), then you should definitely study up on what you can do to promote general health (both others and your own).

It's wrong that the media cries wolf every time anything remotely "scary" happens, just like they did with Avian Flu, and just like they were doing a few months ago. It desensitizes the population in a very real way.

PC Games (Games)

Is Crowdsourcing the Next Big Thing In Game Design? 47

An anonymous reader writes "We've all heard about user-generated content for games that have fixed toolsets — but this interesting piece on Develop has got me thinking about the idea of games production being opened to a community before development finishes. A new iPhone game (Aztec Odyssey) did that with its soundtrack; could someone do it with the game's art assets? Or level design? A great comment under the story says that LittleBigPlanet would have been more interesting if it was just shipped as a toolset with no pre-built levels. I'm inclined to agree!"

Comment Re:Milky Way, hell... (Score 1) 612

I go to Lake City, Colorado every other summer or so. It's in rural SW Colorado, fulltime population ~200. The town is one of a very few in Hinsdale County, which has the lowest population density of any county in the lower 48 states. Lake City sits in a mountain valley about 4 miles long by 1.5 miles wide, at an elevation of 8600 ft. Once you're on the highway, two or three mountain bends out you're sitting at about 10,000 feet with virtually no light pollution.

I say all of this to help you understand that when you find somewhere that's truly dark--and with significantly less atmosphere in the way--the milky way ceases to be a haze of stars, and starts to be millions of points of light. It's the most breathtaking sight I think I've taken in so far in my 30 years.

Comment Visual Studio Express is quite good (Score 4, Informative) 1055

You hit it in the summary. I program professionally. At work, I use gcc, xcode or msvs (depending naturally on the platform).

At home, for personal development on Windows in C++, nothing beats Visual Studio Express. It's lightweight, meaning they've trimmed out most of the stuff that you don't care about anyways for personal projects.

As much as it might pain the free software crowd, Microsoft has done a good job with Visual Studio Express.

Comment Re:Yeah, real big secret (Score 0, Flamebait) 550

I'm sorry man, but Sarah Palin was a terrible choice for VP. She was an obvious appeal to the conservative base, and an attempt to grab the female vote after Obama *didn't* choose Hillary as his running mate.

The woman has almost no political experience to speak of (the population of her entire state is less than many cities in the US--giving her command over fewer citizens than numerous mayors). This wouldn't have been a problem if her presidential candidate wasn't moderately likely to die during his term, but you had to realize when voting for the team that you were basically voting someone with no experience into the white house

And to top it off, she had a really unfortunate intersection of personal beliefs and personal circumstances. She doesn't believe in abortion, and she supports abstinence-only sex education, despite statistics that disagreed about its effectiveness. Combine that with the fact that her own daughter is a shining beacon of what abstinence-only education is more likely to cause, and there was a recipe for disaster.

McCain basically gave Obama the election. If he'd wanted to make it a race, he should've selected Ron Paul as his VP candidate. I'm not even a huge RP fan, but even I would've had to think twice about who I was voting for if he had.

Comment Re:Real Tragedy: Black Racism Against non-Blacks (Score 4, Insightful) 550

Your signature is oddly appropriate in this case.

However, I don't think Obama and Hillary were at all "more or less identical". Except to people who weren't interested in voting for either of them in the first place.

Democrats were fairly polarized over Hillary vs. Obama, and for once it wasn't because the candidates were overwhelmingly the same--it was because they were overwhelmingly different.

The Internet

Wolfram Alpha Launches Tonight, On Camera 218

future.nerd tips news that Wolfram Alpha is set to be launched tonight at 8PM EST (00:00 GMT), and the entire process will be broadcast live, via webcast. Steven Wolfram said to PCPro, "We've been rather surprised that we haven't been able to find even a single publicly available record of the commissioning of any large website at all. So we thought we would document our own experience. We can't guarantee that everything will go smoothly. We fully expect to encounter unanticipated situations along the way. We hope that it'll be interesting for people to join us as we work through these in real time." In a related blog post, he explains how Wolfram Alpha interacts with Mathematica.

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