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Comment Waiver (Score 1) 337

Ask for a waiver if it's not too late.
I took a C++ class and a Linux class at a local community college and it really just consisted of me going into the head of the department, and asking nicely... (They both needed a pre-req "intro to computers" or something similar.
I started rattling off I knew how to copy and paste, my work history at a couple of ISP's, how I know how to build a computer... by the time I'd gotten this far, she was nodding her head, saying, yup, no problem, you're ok to proceed without. Not even a test.


Apple's Secret Plan To Join iPhones With Airport Security 232

Hugh Pickens writes "Currently — as most of us know — TSA agents briefly examine government ID and boarding passes as each passenger presents their documents at a checkpoint at the end of a security line. Thom Patterson writes at CNN that under a 2008 Apple patent application that was approved in July and filed under the working title "iTravel," a traveler's phone would automatically send electronic identification to a TSA agent as soon as the traveler got in line and as each traveler waits in line. TSA agents would examine the electronic ID at an electronic viewing station. Next, at the X-ray stations, a traveler's phone would confirm to security agents that the traveler's ID had already been checked. Apple's patent calls for the placement of special kiosks (PDF) around the airport which will automatically exchange data with your phone via a close range wireless technology called near field communication (NFC). Throughout the process, the phone photo could be displayed on a screen for comparison with the traveler. Facial recognition software could be included in the process. Several experts say a key question that must be answered is: How would you prove that the phone is yours? To get around this problem, future phones or electronic ID may require some form of biometric security function including photo, fingerprint and photo retinal scan comparisons. Of course, there is still a ways to go. If consumers, airlines, airports and the TSA don't embrace the NFC kiosks, experts say it's unlikely Apple's vision would become reality. 'First you would have to sell industry on Apple's idea. Then you'd have to sell it to travel consumers,' says Neil Hughes of Apple Insider. 'It's a chicken-and-egg problem.'"

Comment Re:It's not iTunes or Apple, it's RIAA (Score 1) 570

Jobs may have been an egotistical jerk, (may?) but it's the RIAA that insisted that if your CD's were stolen, you're obligated to delete the MP3's from your computer. Nothing to do with Apple.
Also, they claim you don't own the music, just have a license to listen to it... But what if you have a cassette with a song, but it's worn out and you want to download a clear mp3 version from wherever, and not have to pay again for it? Nope. Because you don't have a license to listen to a higher quality version. F the RIAA.
(Granted, these examples are taken from an article I read a few years ago, but the point is Apple is not responsible. It would be like them saying you can't will your computer to someone else.)

Comment Re:Excellent support! (Score 4, Informative) 228

Came to say this. For those that don't know the DMCA reference, Lexmark filed lawsuits under the DMCA to prevent ink refill manufacturers from putting out products for their printers. They argued since the code in their printer/carts was copyrighted, the act of circumventing it by putting more ink in was illegal.
Yeah, they made a lot of friends with that one.

Good riddance.

Comment This seems unwise (Score 1) 172

Seems like a monumentally bad idea to try to get out of cuffs. I've been told by a deputy friend that as soon as one cuff is still on your wrist, and the other is hanging, you now have possession of a deadly weapon.
As for the keys, How much you wanna bet that they can't make a "possession of burglary tools" charge stick if you're carrying lock picks of any kind?

Comment Re:Mars expedition is staged (Score 1) 233

I'm sure you're right. I suppose it's convenient, too... The rocket used to "launch the mission" wasn't carrying anything that went to Mars. It was launching the satellite that controls the minds of a significant portion of the population. (ie-the ones that are not shielding their brains with the proper grounded metallic covering.)


Submission + - How do we sway a mega-corporation from obsolescing your gear?

irving47 writes: As reported and discussed in many reports, Apple is redesigning its iPhone charger from 30 to 19 pins.
Worse yet, the scuttlebutt is every device will need a chip or hardware key to work with the pending new iPhones. This pretty much guarantees the end of 3rd party car chargers, docking stations, and hordes of other accessories that don't want to pay Apple's licensing fees and pass the cost on to we consumers.
My question is: How do we pre-emptively make it completely clear to Apple that this is unacceptable? There is the obvious, "don't buy it" argument. In fact, I'm sure that will be a significant percentage of the comments below! But... Firstly, that's a reactionary, too-late response. Also, the fact is, a lot of us are attached to the iOS in much the same way as we have been Mac OS for years now... We don't WANT to change it, but we don't want to get screwed over, either.
Would you buy a simple 30-19 pin adapter if it meant continuing to use your favorite accessory? I would, but replacing every device because of a hardware key would be an expensive proposition.

Submission + - Are Iranians banned from buying iPads? (bbc.co.uk)

Geeky writes: From the BBC website, an Iranian-American was prevented from buying an iPad due to the Apple store staff's overzealous interpretation of export policies. Just poor training or just plain dumb?

Comment Re:mac (Score 3, Informative) 732

Yeah, pretty much this. I'm pleased to see how few of the Mac postings are being trolled or trolling themselves.

Steve Jobs nixed a metric butt-load of models across all lines when he came back for this reason. The performas and quadras and centris models were all so close to each other. Then you had the same problem with the laptops.

13" macbook pro unless she's going to be doing video editing or heavy-duty rendering/number-crunching.
Reports? word processing, web browsing, email?
You're done.
Yeah it costs more, but I'll put money down that it will last longer (ie-she will be happier keeping it) than any "windows" laptop.
And yes, as stated here, there's no problem running windows * on it. Just put an external mouse on it or learn to right click from a particular corner of the trackpad.

Comment is it irony...? (Score 1) 667

I read his post and it seemed well-thought out... I've had people rip off my entire website, once upon a time. They changed the background image and lo and behold, it was "his site."
So what I don't get is in the post previous to that one, linked at the top of the page, is him taking pictures where he himself says it's forbidden/not allowed?
(I'd disagree with the signs, too, but still...)

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