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Comment Re:containment theory... (Score 4, Insightful) 1032

Say what you will, but Israel is not a country I'd mess with.

Consider their history....there have been countless efforts to wipe them off the face of the planet, from back in Biblical times to the Nazi regime. Yet not only are they still around, but they've managed to get their country re-established, in the same location, after not existing for hundreds of years.

That's one country I want to keep on our side, packing or not...

Submission + - The Ultimate Lock Picker (

TheUnFounded writes: "Marc Weber Tobias can pick, crack, or bump any lock. Now he wants to teach the world how to break into military facilities and corporate headquarters. But Tobias isn't crazy. Far from it. He's a professional lock breaker, a man obsessively--perhaps compulsively--dedicated to cracking physical security systems. He doesn't play games, he rarely sees movies, he doesn't attend to plants or pets or, currently, a girlfriend. Tobias hacks locks. Then he teaches the public how to hack them, too."

Submission + - Google Brain Search (

TheUnFounded writes: "Not sure if you forgot to brush your teeth this morning? Don't know why you're getting those strange looks? Google Brain Search uses Cadie technology to index your brain, thus improving the speed and accuracy of memory retrieval."

Submission + - Black Friday crowds spend an estimated $20 billion (

dexr0420 writes: NEW YORK ( — Worried retailers and mall operators breathed a sigh of relief after the 2007 holiday shopping marathon off to a robust start Friday. According to the first early sales estimate, MasterCard Advisors retail analyst Michael McNamara expects Black Friday sales to hit $20 billion. MasterCard Advisors tracks spending made on credit and debit cards as well as cash and check transactions.
User Journal

Submission + - Blood groups 'can be converted'

mrneutron2004 writes: When someone is in need of blood, there sometimes isn't enough available. Motor vehicle accidents and major trauma can damage vital organs, leading to blood loss, and then shock. If blood can be given in a timely manner, it can give doctors the time they need to perform surgery and correct internal injuries. However, finding the right blood type to avoid rejection is a problem, thus patients are given 0- a universal blood type. With more blood available using this new technique, countless lives may be saved. For those against blood transfusions (Jehovah Witnesses), they are even working on "fake" blood. Scientists have developed a way of converting one blood group into another. The technique potentially enables blood from groups A, B and AB to be converted into group O negative, which can be safely transplanted into any patient. s-can-be-converted.html?Itemid=60

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We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
