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Submission + - Symantec: Vista UAC Prompts Cannot be Trusted

ambr00sio writes: "Symantec researcher Ollie Whitehouse has is warning that the UAC prompts in Windows Vista cannot be trusted to provide the end user with reliable warnings. In one potential attack scenario, Whitehouse showed how UAC privilege elevation prompts can look like it's coming from Microsoft Windows — when in fact the user is being asked to authorize admin rights for malicious code. Also see Slashdot's previous coverage of UAC design and implementation flaws."

Submission + - Dell gives desktop Linux its "full attention&#

An anonymous reader writes: Only days after Dell launched a new user feedback forum called Dell Idea Storm where customers can suggest new ideas for the PC manufacturer, the request for a Linux desktop tops the list with thousands of votes. Emails exchanged with Bob Pearson, Dell's vice president of corporate group communications, indicate that Dell is taking the request seriously. Dell is known for taking risks and with its new found devotion to customer service, Dell just might grant the Linux community's wish.

Submission + - iTunes going to Peer-to-Peer approach?

AlexJTanner writes: "I talked about this in Episode One but I thought we could discuss it in the forums as well. My sources inside Apple tell me that iTunes may be switching to a P2P approach for distributing music. I was told that you may be rewarded on the amount that you seed. Example, for every 500 mb. you upload you could get a free song. I really could care less what they do for distributing music. What I care about is if they will allow podcasters to take advantage of this technology. It could sure lower the bandwidth bills of podcasters. Any Thoughts? NOTE: The 500 mb. thing is just a made up example I don't know what the real amount you would have to upload to get a free song http://www.slightlyunstable.org/phpbb/viewtopic.ph p?p=28#28"

Submission + - Unofficial Windows 2000 Daylight Saving Time Fix

Saturn2003a writes: Microsoft has stated that they will not be offering a patch for the new US Daylight Saving Time for Windows 2000 and earlier. Only customers with an extended support agreement can get a Hotfix from Microsoft. To get around this IntelliAdmin has created an unofficial patch (Source Code Provided) that will fix Daylight Saving Time on Windows 2000, and Windows NT machines

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