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Comment Re:unfortunately, it probably assumes (Score 1) 673

I assume a lot of human greed, minimal to no ability to raise taxes, problems in transition, large inherent long-term risks, and a restriction largely to the same budget. There are a lot of risk controls involved, and transitional phasing both to control risk and to uphold existing social contracts within reason. It's mostly a patch to make Capitalism work properly, since it's by default as broken as Marxism: just make providing basic needs to the poor a huge profit motive.

Comment Re:its a tough subject (Score 2) 673

The specific example may have been wrong; but that wasn't the point.

If you start banging some girl and you never discuss a relationship, but she behaves in a way that suggests she expects monogamy, you have accepted the social contract of monogamy. It's what's reasonably expected and understood, given the tone of the relationship. Technically not having discussed or agreed to it doesn't really matter when you've entered a situation where the reasonable expectation exists. Notice this is a very fuzzy situation and carries a lot of "you'd notice if you weren't retarded" going on in there; and, by the same token, you should be able to recognize a situation where no such social contract is expected, without being told.

Welcome to society! It's a mess of insanity, and somehow works.

Comment Re:No way! (Score 1) 514

Common sense is dropping the Federal student loan program, Federal college assistance programs, and free Federal college education plans, and focusing on improved K-12 education. Then, when the businesses come crying that they have to pay high salaries and have other businesses sniping their labor, tell them to attend their social responsibility and train entrants into skilled professionals.

But we won't do that, no. We want to perpetuate the wild fantasy that the responsibility of job training should be dumped on the shoulders of the individual, that this carries no risk, and that it helps the poor and the minorities gain upwards mobility. Far be it for us to realize the poor have to take speculative risks they can neither compute nor handle falling through, and that businesses would otherwise have to hire job entrants and train them for the positions they know they're expanding--at little risk to the business.

College education should be left to the responsibility of the market, where it will fall on the shoulders of businesses. H1-B allotment should be based on measured job demand, not available labor. Nobody in America *wants* to be a farmer, and their average tenure is weeks? You can hire 200,000 Mexicans, then. Everyone wants to get into IT, but hasn't been through college? Well. You have all these people who want to work. Send some of them to college; we're not giving you H1-Bs to hire Indians when you have all these Americans begging you to teach them and employ them.

It's the most efficient and effective way to build a strong, educated labor force. Our current method gives us low salaries, tons of student debt, and 74% of STEM degree holders working at McDonalds next to the Liberal Arts majors.

Comment Re:its a tough subject (Score 1) 673

You can overwhelm someone's immunity to a disease by high exposure. HIV is present in saliva, sweat, and other bodily fluids; but you need some 10,000 virons transmitted into the blood to overwhelm the immune system and establish an infection. Sexual and blood contact can transfer a hell of a lot more virons than kissing.

Comment Re:And let me guess... (Score 1) 290

Sadly, two out of three is pretty good.

The government has gotten so far with the terrorist thing that Congress had to have a hearing investigating why Congress had two previous hearings about whether the American Muslim community is a terrorist threat to national security and what they should do about them (remember FDR putting all the Japs and Krauts in concentration camps?). The pedophile-childporn angle is working so well we can't get proper care for these people: in Europe, broad-age-range attraction is dealt with by counseling, while narrow-age-range attraction to minors is dealt with using libido-killing drugs; in America, any hint to anyone of attraction to minors will get you violently attacked, fired from your job, and generally foisted from society. They've accepted drugs, which is ludicrous, because drug dealers are selling poisons to children while these people are shrieking about people possibly harming their children.

We've convinced the masses that certain people with certain labels are monsters, and are standing right on the edge of the precipice, ready to dive into the witch hunt for anyone who vaguely looks like they may associate with the marked.

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