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Comment Re:Nice to Know What We're Worth (Score 1) 454

My calculations place the value of a human life at roughly 14% of all personal income in the economy. That's the bottom of the optimal range for UBI, which eliminates poverty while standing up to (and lessening the impact of) economic downturns and not causing hyperinflation. The optimal range appears to be 14%-15%, and I usually call the 15% number for simplicity. The viable range seems to be 11%-20%, but I'm uncertain of that--less certain about the higher end, particularly. Too high causes irreparable economic damage, and the natural adjustments are destabilizing; at the low end, the natural adjustments are stabilizing, but there's a lower bound where it simply doesn't work at all anymore.

But nobody wants to listen to me. The current trendy solution to all poverty is to tax the living shit out of the rich and give it all to the poor.

Comment Re:Self Medication (Score 4, Interesting) 454

Self-medication with alcohol can be useful, though. I found out a long while back that consuming 1 ounce of liquor (rum, whiskey, brandy) every 2-3 days fixed my clinical depression. I took to occasionally sipping a shot of whiskey out of a sniffer over 3-4 hours, or drinking a beer or two now and then. Didn't need to booze out on it, and it really did last days.

The baseline behavior was a severe downward spiral of emotion in reaction to any negative emotion stemming from a failed expectation or a trivial mistake. The corrected behavior was minor upset bounded to the degree of the original stimulus, with no avalanche effect. I decided 2-3 beers a week was probably safer than Zoloft or such, so did that for a while.

Comment Re:Reinstate the Prohibition (Score 0) 454

You are stupid. Marijuana has always been legal in Colorado and Washington. It was only the interference of nasty Europeans that created such problems. The US has also never had a death penalty, and never wrongfully arrested anyone, and has less crime than everywhere and lower unemployment and fewer poor people.

Comment Re:Reinstate the Prohibition (Score 1) 454

It's part of the fascination with alcohol that the US has. It's a very adult thing--so adult you have to be 21 to do it. We don't drink because the booze is good; we drink because boooooooooze and drooooooonk so cool!!!!

Pennsylvania did a study to show that European-style alcohol legislation increases alcoholism. You're an alcoholic if you have 2 drinks in 1 day more than once a week, by the way. In Europe, where 16 year olds can buy beer and parents can order alcohol for their 14 year olds, everyone is alcoholics. I mean they drink a beer with lunch and dinner a couple times a week, they're total boozers.

Comment Re:One disturbing bit: (Score 1) 484

Power grab, economic coupling (i.e. like in Europe, where if Greece or Italy has a shitty day the whole European economy collapses), and the moral impetus to force what you think is good for people on more people--both by having Federal power over many small states and by having a massive fucking continent to support your military power.

Political ideals are an infectious disease. Democracy spreads like a plague, as does capitalism. So did socialism and its ilk, and fascism to a lesser extent (Italy, Germany, circa 1940). People think their ideals are right for everyone, and they feel it's their duty to pound those ideals onto everyone.

For example: Japan doesn't have an open market for 13 year old porn anymore: Europe and the North Americas decided you should be 18 to be in porn, and quietly pressured Japan to raise the lower limit on their porn industry--the Japanese, at the time, considered post-pubescent, sexually mature people as... well... sexually mature, and fair game. Putting this through your own lens, I'm sure you get that feeling of mild panic inside, the one that tells you something *must* be done to stop this sort of thing: we can't have middle school girls in porn! Well, with a half a continent as your military and trade embargo power, you can stop whatever you want and force your righteous values on countries as far away as Japan.

That's the point. The bigger and stronger we are, the more we can shape the world. That's why we have the UN. That's why the EU exists. The UN pushes human rights, economic policies, war policies, and so on. The EU tells all the countries in Europe what they're allowed to tax and how businesses are allowed to behave, and so on. If we decide that Poland's health care system isn't up to EU standards, we can force them to be more like Germany under the threat of invading their country, sanctioning their trade, or administratively fining their government into the poor house.

Wait until I push a proper UBI system through in America. That'll be a hell of a battle, but it's worth it: I've worked out all the right parameters to create a self-stabilizing system that solves poverty. People will be like, "Let's do this in Africa!", except most of the African countries are incredibly poor, and a UBI wouldn't work at all, and what many of those states need is Feudalism. Capitalism comes at a high cost--you keep 9% or less of your productivity, versus 25%-70% in Feudalism--but brings high amounts of flexibility and personal freedom. But we liken serfs to slaves--which is a baffling leap of logic, considering serfs arguably had better rights than we have in America in practice--and don't care about economics so much as forcing a system to fit an image we like.

Comment Re:It's not the infringement that's the issue (Score 1) 59

If nobody has started doing X in a certain way, you have one of two situations. Either that method is novel and non-obvious, or that method is of no value. Either way, I don't have a real problem with patenting it.

If your method is well-known and you patent it in a new venue, you are fucking retarded. A process is still the same process on a computer, so you can't patent it unless it's a completely new process that hasn't been used for that purpose before. If you calculate the back-of-a-napkin math people use to find oil ON A COMPUTER, and try to patent the hundred-year-old algorithm ON A COMPUTER, you're still trying to patent a hundred-year-old algorithm used for prospecting for oil for the purpose of prospecting for oil. It's been done, everybody does it this way, this isn't novel, and fuck off.

Comment Re:WAT (Score 2) 59

You only need to avoid 256 IVs for that key scheduling algorithm weakness. The layout is very well-known, and it's only important for repeated use of the same key: SSL doesn't suffer from this, as it generates a random key for each session; WEP does, as it uses a permanent pre-shared key for all sessions, initialized with each packet.

By contrast, AES lets you eliminate 2 bits from its cryptographic brute force space just by being AES. It's also vulnerable to other attacks in fewer rounds implementations, but those attacks are not relevant because AES specifies 9 rounds at 128 bit and 14 at 256 bit. You can crack Rijindael 256-bit with 5 rounds, but that's not AES.

Comment Re:Good joke. (Score 1) 148

Wasn't a joke. The programmers here have no PM. General manager is like, "Do we need 3 people working on this?" "Wasn't this supposed to be done 3 weeks ago?" We have shit to do, and other departments tell us they have hardware and licenses that are available, so we allocate those resources... then, when we get to needing them, they're gone. Or nobody knows if they're gone, but they're not sure if they're available.

Proper project management would fix this shit. Work performance data would allow proper scheduling. A list of peoples' competencies, skills, and work availability would help us allocate human resources effectively, or send people to training to improve their value to the business. Better requirements gathering and stakeholder management would get our projects to complete quickly, instead of stalling on other departments. Proper procurement management would keep resources from vanishing when we need them, somehow magically allocated to something else without telling anyone.

This place is clownshoes.

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