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User Journal

Journal Journal: Help: Derby DB Issue

Having some issues with derby and understanding why it may be as such.

I have two table in my DataBase

Table A:
varchar(500) The values have an average length of 19 with a std dev of 10

Table B:

So the Ints are 2 Bytes, the SmallInt 1 Byte, and the varchar ( god help me ) is as small as need be.

I have 2 million record in Table A, 3.5 Million in Table B.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Good and Bad of TV on DVD 1

After my switch from Blockbuster to Netflix I've been watching 24 from the beginning. Netflix has yet to not have the next disk available and it's almost always a 2 day turn around; rock on netflix.

As for 24, it's a great show. If you like movies with covert ops, terrorists and writers than don't mind killing important people then I recommend it. I didn't like the show at all for no good reason until I caught an episode in season 5 and got hooked. I don't mind at all.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Hands on Hardware

Lately I've been playing with hardware more than usual. I don't really like the typical stuff like figuring out why I can boot windows; is it the harddrive? is it the ram? I really don't care. I just want the damned thing to work. To solve that problem I had to ditch a drive, wipe the other and reload everything. Fun. especially for a computer that I only play WoW on a couple hours a week.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Cat eats Mouse

Abby ate through my mouse cable today :/

She seems to not like it when I'm sitting at my desk on the computer and proceeds to nibble on whatever wires may be snaking around the area. Looks like I'll get to have some fun splicing the wires back together.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Juice 2

I need a little jolt, a little bit of energy you know, think you can help?

I'm of course refering to batteries. I need C sized rechargeable NiMH batteries, preferably in the 1000+ range. Problem is I need 16 of these guys, so I need them cheap each like $1.50 each. I've got some leads online, but if anyone has some suggestions I'd love to hear them.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Take a Look Inside; in Three Parts 3

I've mentioned this to a couple people but not here yet. On the 30th I'll be part of my first ever photography gallery show! It's kind of more random than deserved but I'll take it, and it should be much fun.

Barbs of Time

User Journal

Journal Journal: Mapping It All Out

My website really sucks. It's definitely better than some I've had but this one got dropped in the middle of a redesign over a year ago. Oh well.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Stupid Haverty's

Don't you love it when you think a nasty situation is over just to find out months later that 'they' screwed up and you have to deal with it all again?

I bought a couch and chair from Haverty's back in July, the chair came just fine it was good. The couch however ended up coming about a month late. The main problem was that the local store had no idea what was going on from their supplier/manufacturer, so every couple days it was "it'll be there in a week". I like how a comp

User Journal

Journal Journal: Stupid iMusic Stuff

First off I love my iPod, I got it back in ... the summer of 2003 and have made good use of it. I was dismayed when about a year ago it only held a charge for 30 min or so, but I replaced the battery myself for much less than apple wanted and all was good. I've used iTunes exclusively for my music library since having the iPod. Winamp was fine before that but it lacked; and I really don't enjoy whipping the llamas ass.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I Know Your Name. 1

You remember watching The Nevereding Story when you were a kid right?

You remember how in that dramatic scene towards the end Bastian names the Child Like Empress by yelling out a name right as a crack of thunder sounds through the attic?

You know how it annoyed the hell out of you that you didn't know what name he actually said?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Wacky Weather 1

This photo is from Thursday afternoon. Thursday I got to go home about 30 minutes early and it was quite the beautiful Texas Winter day. The sunroof was open, windows down, felt like I should have played hookie in the high 70 weather instead of giving a presentation that day. On the way home I got the car washed all spik-n-span then came home to this nice hazy sunset.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Too Soon

So this is more of a psa, a psa on movies done way too soon.

At the movies with rachel we saw the preview for Flight 93. Apparantly someone though 9/11 was all done with and forgotten that it's time to pull it back out and make a movie. Very very wrong. We're still fighting in wars caused by 9/11 ( even if they really had nothing to do with it ).

User Journal

Journal Journal: Linkage

(Cross posted, with inline images at LJ)

Couple nifty things that have come up recently.


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We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
