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Comment Trends (Score 2) 749

There have been more posts on Slashdot in the last 14 years on Slashdot about this topic. What I recall of them, is that people have been tested with blind and double-blind tests. And about ten years ago you could hear a difference between lossless audio and low-bitrate mp3's. The latter has less high and low, and mostly a certain "Hiss" sound through it. The preference was with the lossless audio then.
What struck me in later tests, was that people seemed to favour mp3's above lossless audio. I reckon it has to do with getting used to the Hiss-sound in mp3's, and therefore having it as a preference. A big factor in music taste is how much you are used to hearing similar music and sounds, and the hiss-sound does make a usual sound.

To be fair, I do think that mp3's in a high bitrate like 320 kbit are almost as good as lossless audio. Even though I prefer the lossless audio, just to be sure.

Comment Claws-mail (Score 3, Informative) 464

Claws-mail is the successor of the old Sylpheed-claws. It really is a nice and simple mailclient, which in the meantime does almost everything. Imaps, RSS, filtering, whatever. And with good usability, the buttons are all at the right place.
I even use the Windows version at work.

There are some thing Thunderbird is particularly bad at in my opinion. Like sorting threaded mails. I know there are extensions, but they suck.
I also don't like the autodetection of mailserver settings. You cannot save something in a non-working state, while sometimes I just want to do that.

Comment Staying home is healthy (Score 1) 670

Everyone seems to suggest that the main reason for staying home is to not spread the illness. I'd say a better reason would be because it's just healthy for you.

When you have the flue, your body fights that by upping your body temperature. Your body won't really like it, but the flue will definitely not like it. Then the weakened flue virus can be easier cleaned up.

But you have to support your body to keep at something like 39 degrees Celcius. Put the room thermostat higher, or just crawl in bed with lots of blankets. Anything to stay warm.
Staying at an office all day long, with minimal room temperature, often next to a windy door or window is not a good idea and won't really improve your situation. Your body will have to work real hard to get at a high temperature and to get rid of the virus.

Anyway, I was just sick this week. Today is my first good day again :).

Comment Anyone used it yet? (Score 1) 114

Has anyone used this OS yet, and can share some thoughts on it?

I'm a bit worried that it's a low cost (and probably relative slow) phone, while at the same time HTML5 can be a pretty heavy load.

I myself am not very fond of Android, and I will not buy anything from Apple or Microsoft. IMO The market can use another platform, especially when it is a portable platform with portable apps.

Comment Re:ssh X11Forwarding even in Cygwin (Score 2) 285

One thing I really like is the aspect of 2 cut-and-paste buffers. When I explain it to tech-friends of mine they really are amazed.
There's a primary buffer and a secondary buffer. The secondary buffer is like the buffer in Windows and MacOS. You have Ctrl-C for copy and Ctrl-V for paste. Or you can use the context menus.
The primary buffer however is everything you selected, and then ofcourse only the last selection. Pasting is done with middle mouse button.
This way you can use 2 buffers. Like you Ctrl-C the username, and select the password. Place focus on the other app. Paste the password from the primary buffer, and Ctrl-V the username. All in one go.
I just don't want to live without it.


Submission + - WhatsApp is using IMEI numbers as passwords (

mpol writes: "In the past WhatsApp has been hightly critisized over their insecure use of the XMPP messaging protocol. Recently new versions of their app have incorporated encryption.

It seems the trouble isn't over yet for WhatsApp and its users. Sam Granger writes on his blog that WhatsApp is using IMEI numbers as passwords. This is at least the case with the Android app, but other platforms are probably using similar methods.
Since it is easily readable what someone's IMEI number is, this isn't really secret information that should be used for authentication.
In the wake of the Apple/FBI UDID fiasco, will we see lists with phone numbers and IMEI numbers appear on the net?"

Comment Re:It's going to be a tough road ahead for you.... (Score 1) 292

A requirement for 20-25 hours a week is because I really need to have my restdays. I can work a week for 5 days, and maybe 2 weeks. But it does wear me out. I get tired, can't get out of bed anymore, and I'm just generally unhappy. And that's just not the right path to take.
Right now I work 2 days, have a day off, and then work another day. There are jobs available that suit this rythm, but ofcourse not very much of them. I live in Europe, and the lifestyle is somewhat better. And I should take care not to get hired by an American company :).

And about other obligations. I have a girlfriend who needs time with me, and I have a healthy social life. So yes, you can call those obligations.

Comment Re:More detail... (Score 1) 292

I'm somewhat sensitive to emotional atmosphere. People haveing an argument at the workplace which turns sour, that sort of thing. I can handle something, but too much wears me out.

Ah, haha. I'm not a slacker, I do my job. Last year I started at a paying job, which I decided to not continue with. The employer offered me the same job again half a year later. He was really happy with me.

Thank you for the rest, some others already pointed that out. I'm now with nice people at a volunteer setting. Setting up a commercial company might be a good idea.
Actually, when I got at this volunteer job, there were some other people making that step. So maybe it's time for me to find people to make that step with.

Comment Re:About success ... (Score 1) 292

Thank you for your kind and insightfull response.
Maybe I am too quick at judging that self-employment is not my thing. I don't think I had too high expectations. Some of my goals were to have this year a turn-around of 3000 Euro's, which I might make. And also to have fun at what I do. But during the first 8 months of this year I started to slowly have less fun. And that's not right. So I need that to turn around first, and then consider picking up my company again.

And if I could do anything I wanted, haha. I would want the job I have now, but then being paid for it :).
I thought I found that last year, but it turned out differently. So I'll need to search again :).

Comment Re:I think the OP mentioned self-employment (Score 4, Informative) 292

> That's going to be a problem when he seeks a salaried job -- few employers want an unmotivated, undisciplined employee. If I wanted to hover over the employee and make sure he's doing the work he's supposed to be doing, I'd hire my son.

I can clarify that.
When I'm at the workplace this is different. I am motivated and disciplined. I'm at the place where it is expected to work, and that's what I do. Also there's a clear border, when I'm home my workday is over and I don't have to worry about it.
Working from home is a lot harder, to me at least, and I heard other people mention it. When I'm home I am usually relaxing a bit, so the place has a complete different association with me. Also there's no clear border, I can work for 7 hours straigt and still feel the rest of the day that I should be doing stuff. Or take a day off, like any normal person, and feel that way the whole day. That gets tired very soon.
So I figured out I need a real work environment, and I can't work from home.

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Disabilities on the workforce (

mpol writes: "The job market can be hard right now, depending on your background and location. Having a disability makes things even more interesting.
7 years ago I suffered from a psychosis (interview:, and I am diagnosed with schizophrenia. I have been recovering quite good, and last year I started searching for a paying job. I found one, but it didn't turn out to be the right place, so I'm back at my volunteer job as web developer.
My current workplace is quite unique, as there are several people who had a psychosis in the past, or are diagnozed with autism.
When I look at myself I know that I have some things that will always play up more or less. I'm very sensitive for the atmosphere at the workplace for example. I also need clear communication, more so than other people. Furthermore, a workweek of maybe 20-25 hours is the max for me.
I tried self-employment, but motivation and discipline are a bit hard to come by, and it's not something that will work for me longterm. In theory it's perfect, in practice not so much.
I'm not sure what my short-term future will look like, but for this year I'm quite happy where I am, but next year I might go searching for a salaried job again.

I'm wondering if there are more people on Slashdot who have a job in ICT, or are searching one, and also have disabilities. How did you land at your job, and what issues do you run into in daily practice."

Open Source

Submission + - MySQL slowly turning closed source? (

mpol writes: "Sergei from MariaDB speculated on some changes within MySQL 5.5.27. It seems new testcases aren't included with MySQL anymore, which leaves developers depending on it in the cold.
"Does this mean that test cases are no longer open source? Oracle did not reply to my question. But indeed, there is evidence that this guess is true. For example, this commit mail shows that new test cases, indeed, go in this “internal” directory, which is not included in the MySQL source distribution."
On a similar note, updates for the version history on Launchpad are not being updated anymore.
What is Oracle's plan here? And is alienating the developer community just not seen as a problem at Oracle?"

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