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Comment Re:So... (Score 1) 178

The US government, and all other governments hate money laundering.

That must be why Dick Cheney ($100 million in bribes laundered through NY banks to bribe Nigerian officials while he was CEO of Halliburton), Robert Rubin (folded BanaMex's drug lord clients into his CityCorp 'private banking' division), and Richard Grasso (NYSE CEO who did sales calls to the Colombian jungle offering their services to the FARC, retiring with the largest bonus of any NYSE executive in history) are serving long jail sentences. Oh, that's right, they're **NOT**.

Governments hate money laundering the way DEA agents hate drug lords; with their fingers crossed behind their backs.

Comment Re: and you never will find the money (Score 0) 178

Weak central government has been tried hundreds if not thousands of times over the course of civilization. It doesn't work. I'm old enough to have seen the Cuyahoga River burning, from back in the days of weak central government control of environmental issues. Unfortunately Libertarians tend to be the most historically illiterate people around (which is probably why they believe in their central doctrines). Even Adam Smith was in favor of a strong central government to control abuse of the markets.

Comment Re:Yes, and? (Score 1) 178

The person most frequently pointed at as the likely creator of bitcoin is a CIA contractor, it would not surprise me at all to eventually learn that this was a CIA/DARPA project in experimental economics. What would surprise me is if none of the missing bitcoins showed up in the wallets of the investigators that took down Mt. Gox.

Comment Re:So... (Score 1) 178

That's called "money laundering" in the real world, and CityCorp, BoA, Credit Suisse/First Boston, etc. make $50-$100 billion dollars a year doing it. It's so profitable that US Treasury Secretaries retire from "public service" to head these companies' "private banking" operations. If you want a way to deal with stolen bitcoins you're going to need to get the big money laundries involved to get the process legalized.

Comment Re:How did they do it (Score 1) 61

the building up of human and livestock waste

The Maya and other peoples in this region did not have domesticated livestock, at least as we think of them. They raised domesticated ducks (and apparently chickens brought from China) but other than that their only animals were dogs and pets such as monkeys and parrots. This area is a thousand or more kilometers from the Amazon, which your link refers to.

Comment Re:Krebs (Score 3, Interesting) 230

In the last '90s I worked as System Operator for a company which sent several thousand automated account renewals to credit card companies each month. We had been sending 9-track tapes via Fed Ex, and I was tasked with converting all these to digital transfers. We ended up with a mish-mash of different methods, dialup modem, encrypted email attachments, etc. but American Express had a rather unique approach.

They had us FTP an unencrypted, unzipped text file to a folder with our account number on their ftp site. Logged in as anonymous. With full access to all the other folders showing all their other customers' data transfers. They didn't clean up the folders either, so some of the other customers had a year's-worth of data transfers piled up. We couldn't believe it.

Comment Re:Krebs (Score 1) 230

Wow, hard to believe that this still happens. First encountered this when I opened my first (and only) online banking account at SeaFirst bank in the late '90s. When I realized that in order to get into someone else's account all I had to do was change the account number in the URL I took some screen shots and sent it off to their webmaster. It was told that it was fixed within a couple of weeks, but I was so appalled that it was even possible that I had them delete my online profile and lock my account from changes made from an online account. Have never signed up for online banking since because every few years there's another of these stories appearing, I think the most recent was Chase just two years ago.

This is the inevitable result of outsourcing all your IT work to the lowest bidder.

Comment Re:Please tell me this is satire (Score 1) 320

It's like we found the dumbest guy in the country and elected him president or something.

We in the US have a head start, we elected Reagan in 1980. His wife Nancy's astrologer seems to have had a say in a number of policy decisions, especially later in his second term when the Alzheimers was setting in.

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