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Comment Re:Recruiting? (Score 4, Informative) 132

errr - that's not a tardis (hope this isn't a "swoosh" moment, it's a regular old-style public phone box (booth). You don't see them about much, although a while back an enterprising sculptor put a dozen together like this and flogged it to my local council for several tens of thousands of quid.

The tardis is supposed to be a police telephone box, which has a different design and colour like this. These boxes also contained equipment other than a phone - such as a first aid kit and an incident book.

On a last pedantic note, there were red police boxes in Glasgow, Scotland, for a time.


Ask Slashdot: Setting Up Wireless Voting For Students? 167

RabidRabbit23 writes "I volunteer for a non-profit that organizes Model UN conferences for high school students. We need a quick and low cost way to record votes done by the students in large committees. There will be two or three committees with about 200 students in each. We need to be able to record yes, no or abstention votes and must be able to identify each student's vote. We looked into radio response clickers, but it is very expensive to buy 400-600 of them. They cost about $40 at university bookstores, which is way out of our budget, but we don't know what kind of discount we could get by buying directly from the manufacturer. We do have wireless internet but we do not have enough bandwidth to support everyone using a laptop. Does the Slashdot community have any suggestions for a better way to record the students' votes?"

Ex-Microsoft CTO Writes $625 Cookbook 176

carusoj writes "Nathan Myhrvold, Microsoft's first CTO, made his mark in the tech world. Now he's cemented his place in the world of cooking and food science with the publication of a groundbreaking six-volume, 2,438-page cookbook. Some of the techniques in Myhrvold's Modernist Cuisine are intimidating, to put it mildly, calling for such daunting ingredients as liquid nitrogen and equipment such as centrifuges and rotor-stator homogenizers. But Myhrvold and his co-authors insist that the majority of recipes can be made in a conventional home kitchen — with a few recommended, inexpensive extras such as a digital gram scale and water bath for sous vide cooking." Dear Bosses: When you see the centrifuge on my March expense report, please note that this is a legitmate business expense. If you're still curious, we ran a story a couple years ago on Nathan's Kitchen Lab.

Comment Re:He didn't rape them (Score 2, Informative) 530

The definition of rape in Sweden is a lot more liberal than in the UK (or US, for that matter). I think the charge is something along the lines of "having sex without a barrier protection method on the assumption that the parties involved do not sleep around and then subsequently finding out that at least one does sleep around, thus increasing the risk of STDs to the injured party".

Oddly, I wasn't aware that you could be extradited from the UK to face a charge for something that isn't illegal in the UK - I think they're trying (and succeeding, so far) to peg it onto a "sexual assault" charge

Comment Re:£149? (Score 1) 286

In the UK it actually is the same (although mostly without the technical terms such as "ADSL2+" which would confuse the poor ignorant masses), although you will also be shaped depending on traffic class during "peak" hours (that typically last for much of the day) with a lot of the major ISPs - check out your Fair Usage and Traffic Management policies that are required to be easily findable on your ISPs website. If you are fortunate enough to live near an unbundled exchange, then you have a better choice of ISPs and so may be able to find one that offers an unshaped, unlimited (without the *) contract. These contracts are either not very cheap or not very common. Buy cheap broadband and expect to be heavily throttled and have caps put in place

Xbox Live Labels Autistic Boy "Cheater" 613

Jellis55 writes "Jennifer Zdenek, the mother of an 11-year-old boy who lives with autism, is outraged at Microsoft Xbox Live for labeling her son a 'cheater' and taking away everything he's earned online. She says her son, Julias Jackson, is so good at playing X-Box games, Xbox LIVE thought he cheated. She says her son got online last week to play Xbox LIVE and saw that he was labeled a cheater and had zero achievements. Microsoft continues to ignore her requests to take 'cheater' off of his account."

Comment Re:My Face (Score 1) 344

There's also that key phrase "subject to your privacy and application settings". In there, you've got:

Your status, photos and posts
Photos and videos you're tagged in

How hard is it to modify those settings to one that is not "all and sundry in the world"?

Comment Re:I would be very concerned (Score 1) 532

The ban is almost entirely a matter of regulatory inertia and risk of lawsuits. Since the bans are universal, no airline wants to risk paying higher damages in a lawsuit if there's a crash and someone is able to convince a jury that their policy of allowing electronic devices theoretically increased their liability by even .000001%. On the other hand, if airlines could install picocells that made it impossible to connect to a carrier's towers, but enabled them to collect $1/minute roaming charges, you'd see any hint of a ban eliminated within a matter of days.


Comment Re:I would be very concerned (Score 2) 532

Unlikely to be a very good Faraday cage - the amount of times I've seen folks making calls on landing (before doors open) throws that out the window. The main reason for not getting a signal is that the antennas on the base stations aren't pointing up. But it's still conceivable to get a signal to a tower under those circumstances, and it can play havoc with the network as it's not designed to cope with those speeds (even when not making a call). Making a call would probably be problematic as, in GSM, you'd use up several timeslots just with the timing advance over that distance.

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