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Comment Table Tennis (Score -1, Troll) 98

The only people I've ever met who liked table tennis were terrible people. I'm not sure if terrible people are drawn to table tennis, or if table tennis is a black scourge that seeps into men's souls and consumes the heart of them while it still beats, but there is an absolute correlation.

Comment Re:Multi-Monitor Gaming Just Sucks (Score 1) 148

I'm not just looking for an advantage (and not talking about competitive games, importantly. I know how important FOV equality is at that level), I'm just looking for immersion. Skyrim with an ultra-wide FOV let's me see approaching enemies a little sooner, but it looks absolutely atrocious. Beyond that, human vision can cover a 270-degree field if you allow eye movement (but not head movement). That's 90 more degrees than any shooter will give you.

Comment Multi-Monitor Gaming Just Sucks (Score 4, Insightful) 148

The biggest problem with multi-monitor gaming is that it's just plain garbage in any kind of "surround" configuration. Apart from Fisheye-Quake and some fancy pants flight sims and racing games, arcing three or more monitors does nothing but waste power and processing capability to render a smeared-out mess on every monitor but the one in the center. Most games aren't even mathematically capable of producing a 180-degree FOV. I've never been quite sure who should get the ball rolling in that department, but I've just decided it should be Valve. I don't have a good reason. Get on it, guys! Ubiquitous support for rendering games to multiple-viewports.

Comment Why 5C? (Score 1) 348

Why write this article abut the 5C? It's literally last year's model.

When the 4s came out, it would have been stupid to complain that the 4 didn't break presale records. The 5C isn't meant to rock you like a hurricane. It's meant to make your consolation prize more palatable.

/. Obligatory Disclaimer: I won't be buying either of them.

Submission + - SkyOS now free (as in beer) (skyos.org)

Beardydog writes: SkyOS, the commercial, alternative OS created almost entirely by Robert Szeleney, became free (as in beer) sometime last month. Alternative OS enthusiasts can be forgiven for missing it, as the website has been largely derelict, and the forums overrun with spam, since the project was halted in 2009. It's not clear from the announcement whether the ISO available is the traditional build, or the version rebuilt around Linux. The post announcing the free version provides a license name ("public") and registration code that must be entered during setup. While it isn't quite the open-sourcing that most followers hoped for, it's heartening to know SkyOS won't be completely lost in the mists of time.

Submission + - Java: To Learn or Not to Learn? (acceptic.com)

acceptic writes: Autumn is the time when a lot of people are starting their studies at various educational institutions. A very frequent question for them is what to learn. For future programmers one of such subjects can be Java. However, is Java worth learning nowadays? The author has tried to analyze this question and collected some general information as well as opinions of actual programmers from Ukraine. But what is your answer?

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