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Comment Re:We should all thank God (Score 1) 383

BILLY MAYS HERE WITH MY LOUD-ASS VOICE! Are you bothered by new regulations limiting the volume of commercials? FEAR NOT, MARKETERS! With just ONE EASY COMMERCIAL STARRING ME, I can overcome ANY regulation limiting decibels simply by YELLING AT YOUR CUSTOMERS! I yell so loud, I can SHATTER THEIR MUTE BUTTON INTO A THOUSAND PIECES!

Comment Re:A rate should be set at hire (Score 2) 291

I and a number of other staff negotiated 'only on the job' language in our employment contracts back in 2000, so yeah, it happens.

These days, I require such language. I have no problem with works for hire, but I do have a problem with someone else taking credit for something in which they were never involved.

Agreed, and in several states, any contract stating that EVERYTHING you invent is the employer's is automatically limited by law to things that are a) done on the employer's time, b) done on the employer's equipment or using their resources, OR c) the employer was credibly planning to do already. I believe California is one of those states, and due to this, most standard employment contracts have these exceptions baked in, even in states where an employer assignment can be unlimited. (I am not a lawyer, you'd be crazy to take this as legal advice, if you have questions about your contract, talk to a lawyer.)

Comment Re:Your Local US Immigrant Reporting (Score 1) 567

How long were you staying? I also take it you were travelling by car, which typically is easier than, say, travelling by Greyhound bus, which I did a fair bit back in the day.

Legally speaking, they can't keep you out of the country if you have a US Passport. That was the main gist of what I was saying. Even as a green card holder, if you get a CBP guard in a particularly bad mood, they could snap your green card in half and you'd be more or less screwed.

Mostly I just want to be done with USCIS, and vote. As an aside, you can get in a special faster line, if you get a Nexus pass (which I'm going to do once I get my 10 year green card).

Comment Re:Your Local US Immigrant Reporting (Score 1) 567

I'm the K-1 in our marriage. I didn't know you could adjust your visa status to K-1 without leaving, that's crazy (it didn't matter so much to me since I was "just" five hours away). We did all the paperwork ourselves too (if you can understand it, a lawyer is a waste of money and is more likely to fuck it up anyway). I only had to do one medical but I've been fingerprinted twice (they do love those biometrics appointments, don't they?)

And yeah, misrepresentation is one of the worst things you can do as far as USCIS / USCBP is concerned. They might be able to file to come back after like ten years. If you want to look for a solution for that, you can post their situation on VisaJourney and see what they say. (God, I love VisaJourney. If they didn't exist my immigration process would have sucked that much more.) Sorry to hear about that.

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