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Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 2219

My biggest concern for the beta is it seems to destroy the tools needed for a robust commenting and conversation, including notification of new posts, easy ways to quote prior posts, easy way to link directly to comments, etc. If this is going to be reintegrated for sure (and maybe expanded?) then I'm probably cool with it.


Let's not make this a "bring back vinyl records" thing.

I'm getting up there in years myself, and seriously guys, a new look or a mobile-friendly design shouldn't be cause for a stroke.

Comment Re:Cue the climate change deniers ... (Score 1) 684

The AC is making a serious error here and it almost seems as if though he imagines the US to be the entire world even weather-wise.

Or perhaps those of us evil enough to be born outside the USA made a serious error in thinking that we exist?

Arctic vortex is an annual thing around here. Or at least it would be if we existed.

Comment Re:I support Mr. Mikko Hyppone (Score 1) 248

And of course, spying on your OWN citizens is completely normal and historically popular as well. Often with Orwelian results.

I guess I am among those who are surprised anyone is surprised that the NSA has been playing big brother. What does surprise me is that there are efforts to curtail NSA options in-country since it is surely expected that they keep an especially close eye on any terrorist cells within the border.

It wouldn't surprise me if they use their foreign leeway to spy internally from without.

Comment Re:Fixed summary for you (Score 1) 398

Imagine if someone were to tell a young person learning to drive that the only way to get to their destination was to turn right at every possible opportunity? (or left, depending on the source of instruction)

The idea would be rejected outright - the idea that not only is all problem solving binary, but that only one of the two is the correct answer to every conceivable problem, completely regardless of destination, and completely regardless of starting point. (student: But sir there is a cliff on the right. teacher: Trust me on this, turn right.)

And yet, we have people who otherwise are mentally functional fighting viciously for exactly this fantastic level of ignorance every day. That has taken a lot of intentional work and media.

In return for football, Nascar and Simpsons (or beads and hemp) we give them our life long vote.

Comment Re:Linux... (Score 5, Insightful) 226

If the author of the comments were as unbiased as you it might indeed mean that.

However, he makes money telling Windows users they will be safe if they remember to pay him their fees. Not the same protection racket from the Linux crowd so I'm sure he's pleased to take any swipe he can.

Comment It's all about Surface (Score 1) 398

Microsoft is willingly taking a hit for a few years in the hope that Surface will take over the tablet space.

If that ever happens people may very well like a desktop that apes their tablet. (Huge win if they would also like a phone like that.) But the only major selling point for Surface is that it supports Microsoft Office. So now everything depends on how much people want a tablet with Office.

My guess, which is admittedly uninformed, is that Surface will gain some traction in the business world. Any prognosticators out their with better info for us?

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