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Submission + - Test Proves General Theory of Relativity Wrong (softpedia.com)

Third Position writes: According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, a moving mass should create another field, called gravitomagnetic field, besides its static gravitational field. This field has now been measured for the first time and to the scientists' astonishment, it proved to be no less than one hundred million trillion times larger than Einstein's General Relativity predicts.

Comment Re:One day they'll have to confront it head on (Score 1) 262

To expand on this, it would require withdrawal from the EU due to the requirement of compliance to the European Convention on Human Rights to maintain membership.

And the problem with withdrawal from the EU would be, er, what?

I understand that in addition to the BNP, the UKIP is making friends fast across the pond there, too.


Submission + - 'Oceans of diamonds' on Uranus and Neptune (telegraph.co.uk) 3

Third Position writes: The Telegraph reports Oceans of liquid diamond topped with solid "icebergs" of the precious gems could be on Uranus and Neptune. The first ever detailed research into the melting point of diamond found it behaves like water during melting and freezing — with its solid form floating on the liquid.
A large diamond ocean on one or both of the planets could provide an explanation for an oddity they both share. The two giant gas planets, unlike Earth, do not have magnetic poles which match up with their geographical poles.

Comment Re:Shhhh! (Score 5, Insightful) 561

If you think that's bad, for each of these errors that gets publicized, vast swaths of the population lose faith in the mountain of scientific evidence for anything whatsoever, including support for man-made global warming.

If these kind of errors are indicative of the standard by which scientific evidence is being gathered, then the public *should* lose faith in the claims of science.

Exactly why does science deserve to be put upon a pedestal unquestioned, anyway?

Comment Re:Oh, hey, (Score 5, Informative) 1011

I think they're exaggerating the lost of one particular set of data, from one set of researchers, in
one university, compared with thousands of different climate research around the world. So this
case of data mismanagement at one university, isn't going to make much difference to the case
for global warming being caused by humanities energy usage.

Problem is, some of the other sources aren't looking so good, either.

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