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Comment Re:Oh no, my green paper! (Score 3, Interesting) 489

So how long after a spouse dies is the surviving spouse exempt from service fees for their own services?

I feel sorry about her loss, and I believe that this isn't about the money. Also, I know that when a death is involved, most companies are going to make exceptions to rules. But the (tragic) death is only tangentially related here.

The reason that she is canceling is NOT because her husband died. It is because she is moving. That part is a choice.

Comment Re:Fire them (Score 1) 572

Yeah, I would agree. My initial guess was that the administrators saw a morale problem with the techs, and this was their idea to fix it. In fact, if you limit the view to to the techs' perspective, the idea makes sense, and I think that's probably the mistake that they made. Or, perhaps, being administrators and therefore perhaps being more used to dealing with stupid bureaucratic requirements, it never occurred to them that the doctors have more important things to worry about...

Comment Re:OK ... (Score 1) 202

I would guess that reporting to their advertisers is just as important to them as securing the content.

Both are things that they absolutely have to do in order to exist in the form that they do.

Comment Re:Retarded (Score 1) 570

Er, I use middle click all the time, but why does it matter if you don't use it for anything else? I mean, I never hit the F8 key apart from accessing alternate Windows startup modes, but that does not constitute some kind of usability problem.

If some kind of convenient input is going mostly unused, and you have something your application needs to do often, then that unused input is a great candidate.

Comment Re:A GPS upgrade would be really nice (Score 1) 120

In order to really work well, something like that would also have to have head tracking in order to draw in the right place, and ideally the positioning system and the map itself would be extremely accurate (more accurate than they currently are). Not at all impossible, but I'm not sure it would work well enough to be worth doing quite yet.

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