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Comment Re:I'm always amazed MS blew the mapping race (Score 2, Interesting) 174

Bing maps is a ghost town, and rightfully so
I can get embed a LOT of google maps services (actually from two different google map services) for free, with plenty of neat features, and a JavaScript library of extras provided free from Google. OR
I can go to Bing Maps and get NOTHING free, yes that's right FUCK ALL nothing. I can sign up for their expensive service and get their half-assed maps. Fuck Bing maps and their pathetic service, they are an almost-ran and will never be more.

Comment Re:Most qualified and motivated candidates? (Score 1) 435

Here's a quote from (jesus tittyfucking christ)

Blacks, who comprise 13.6 percent of the U.S. population, make up 17.7 percent of the federal workforce.

So that's millions of people, hired through systemic government racism, and we're worried about Google and Yahoo? Another lying liberal smokescreen to conceal the real crimes - theirs.

Comment Re:Most qualified and motivated candidates? (Score 1) 435

Lack in basic nutrition, healthcare, education, credit, role-models and many other factors and their interplay might be a factor perhaps?

No. This is a standard liberal propaganda soundbite. The poorest 10% of whites educationally outperform the richest 10% of blacks.

Any more lies you need debunked?

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